Premature parents

What is the first reaction that the parents having a premature baby?, perhaps not all parents react in the same way, but some react with fear, do not dare to touch him, some do not even want to see the baby and crying is the dominant tonic.

Faced with a fatal outcome, some moms unconsciously opt for a distance, they are afraid of becoming fond of fear of losing it, this is nothing more than a self-defense mechanism. They also feel guilty, they believe that something has had to do with the fact that their son was born prematurely.

Luckily, the healthcare staff is aware of all the emotional problems that revolve around the birth of a premature baby and are professional enough to help the new parents as much as possible, providing them with the moral support necessary for the day to live together To day with the baby be the most optimal, with much love and joy. Although a premature baby is at greater risk than a baby who was born at the time, medical advances allow most to move forward, the survival rate is advancing day by day and is currently at 80% for babies born with a kilo of weight, we hope that this rate will soon be 100%.

When a baby is born prematurely, it is all so fast that the confusion in the parents is quite high and the ghost of fear appears in the family. General information about the state of the child and how they are taking care of him, helps the parents to be confident that everything is going well, the health staff always keeps in mind from the beginning the possible doubts and fears and helps the parents with all kinds of tips for that ghost to disappear.

But not only does the healthcare staff take care of the parents' well-being, nature also helps, even the milk that the new mother makes is much more digestible than what she would normally have for a child who was born without being premature.

To all this we must add the love and satisfaction of giving birth to a new life that will give the best moments to parents and that is waiting to receive caresses and much love.

Video: Premature Babies Benefit From Music, Parents' Voices in NICU (April 2024).