Illegal transgenic rice in Heinz porridge

Greenpeace has announced the discovery of transgenic rice in China, this is a rice that was genetically modified so that it could withstand chemicals called pesticides, to control or eliminate pests that cause diseases that interfere with agricultural production.

But this rice has not been approved by the authorities of the country, thanks to the environmentalists of Greenpeace it has been possible to discover the presence of this Illegal rice in Heinz rice and cereal porridge. The results of the research on this rice have been prepared by an independent German laboratory and the samples were obtained from Beijing supermarkets in China. In this rice, a protein is found that produces allergic reactions, the tests that were done in the laboratories indicated this, but despite this, the rice is in the Baby Rice Cereal porridge. The Heinz house has initiated an investigation on this subject, although we assume that it is a paraphernalia and that they will know a lot about it.

This fact demonstrates that greater control is needed in terms of products for children. We must not forget that on some occasions, ethics and morals are trampled by economic benefits, ignoring the health and well-being of citizens, and what is worse, of children.

Video: How to Make Baby Cereal (July 2024).