Designing hope and smiles: a girl with cancer draws a new Baby Pelon's handkerchief

When Teresa, nine, underwent chemotherapy treatment, He was commissioned to design the handkerchief of a Baby Pelón doll, whose sale is intended to raise funds for the fight against childhood cancer.

Baby Pelones are little dolls that were born in 2015 as tribute to all children with cancer. Their little heads have no hair, but they are adorned with fun and colorful scarves that seek to tear out the smile of the little sick.

How beautiful is Teresa's #BabyPelonesJT 😍. N ° 15 of #LaColeccionMasBonitaDelMundo. With your help we will promote new projects and finance our #JuegaterapiaInvestigacion scholarship. For sale at #Juguettos #ElCorteIngles #Amazon #toysrus

A shared publication of Juegaterapia (@juegaterapiaorg) on ​​May 21, 2018 at 3:39 p.m.

"Bones" is the name of the puppy drawn by Teresa to brighten the scarf of a new Baby Pelón. She herself moved to the doll factory and witnessed her creation process that, in her own words, aims "cheer up children who are sick and sad".

Teresa's handkerchief comes to join the designs of other children suffering from cancer who also participated in this day in this beautiful initiative, as well as designs of singers, actors and celebrities who have wanted to contribute their grain of sand to this solidarity cause.

Much more than a doll

Baby Pelones are beautiful dolls with a vanilla aroma that makes them irresistible. At home we have several, and little by little we are acquiring more models to expand our collection, knowing that with this we are helping the children who need it most.

Why acquiring a Baby Pelón is contributing to childhood cancer research, and to the construction of gardens on the roofs of hospitals so that children can play outdoors while they are hospitalized.

The game is very important for children suffering from cancer because it helps them forget their illness for a while, and enjoy the way other children their age do.

But Baby Pelones are not only a simple doll to play with, but they have the important emotional benefit of making sick children feel identified with them, and that the rest also understand that there are other little babies who are having a bad time. and that they need the support and solidarity of all.

The Baby Pelones come to join other initiatives of Juegaterapia, and other solidarity projects such as "Superquimions" bags, designed by the magician Jaime, or the Candela bracelets, to give just a few examples.

Did you already know the important work they have been doing since Juegaterapia with the Baby Pelones? Do you dare to acquire the "most beautiful doll in the world"?

Via Telecinco

In Babies and More Superquimions, covers to cover the chemo bags of children with cancer, Baby Pelones, solidarity dolls to help children with cancer