The pediatric service of the General Hospital of Valencia will no longer scare children

Adapting the image of pediatric areas so that children feel their best when they have to go to hospitals, is something that has been worrying for quite some time, because we already know that healing is not only given by the administration of medical treatments, The mood has a lot to do and the environment is a factor to take into account so that it is optimal.

Now he shows it to us Valencia General Hospital, which has even had the Valencian Institute of Modern Art (IVAM) to get an environment in its facilities more in line with children.

They want to banish that fateful and scary image that children and doctors produce for the little ones, for which they will resort to bright colors, recreational and educational areas among other remodeling, to “cure” the fears of sick children making their stay in The health center much more pleasant. The General Hospital of Valencia will also have new services, such as the Unit for the Study of Cardiovascular Risk in children and adolescents, the first in our country and that will give special attention to one of the great problems of our younger population, obesity.

The little ones will feel at least like at school, because at home there is no place, they also have Cibercaixa, an educational and children's leisure area where they can access reading, crafts, computer science or various games for perform with family or with other children.

And as we announced earlier this year, they also have the children's television channel, a project in which the Antena 3 Foundation collaborates.

Video: CMD SciFam: Orthopedics Physical Therapy and Exercise with Mina Jain, David Roye, David Spiegel (July 2024).