Baby's teeth before birth

A few babies are born with teeth, but although they usually still take a few months to appear after being born, the process of tooth formation begins much earlier. Baby's baby teeth begin to form inside the womb, at six weeks gestation.

From then on the teeth continue to develop inside the gums, until they erupt in the mouth. Therefore, among other issues, the feeding of the pregnant woman is so important: any health problem of the mother or the baby during this period could affect the structure of the temporary teeth.

For example, premature and / or low birth weight babies are more likely to have enamel abnormalities than those born at term.

Also the intake of certain medications during pregnancy could cause alterations or stains on the child's teeth.

It is a widespread belief that during pregnancy the baby removes calcium from the woman's teeth, leaving them more fragile, but the truth is that the calcium, necessary for the formation of the baby's teeth, comes from the mother's reserves, that eating a balanced diet will not be affected.

The formation of permanent teeth

Although it may surprise us, permanent teeth also begin to form before the baby is born. They are gestated shortly before delivery, until about the third year of the child's life. Therefore, some diseases or medications in early childhood can have an impact on the formation of permanent tooth enamel.

Because the baby's teeth begin to develop before birth, it is sometimes believed that the woman should take fluoride supplements during pregnancy to protect the baby's teeth, but it is not so, since the effects on the baby are unknown. fetus of prenatal systemic fluoride.

Precisely fluorosis due to excess fluoride is a problem that affects the teeth of children in childhood, and one of the reasons why toothpaste is not recommended too fluoridated for them. In the recommended dietary intakes for pregnant women, fluoride is not included as a necessary mineral.

These are some baby teeth data before birthWell, since pregnancy we have to be aware that the "tiny ferocities" that Miguel Hernández was talking about are being formed and that so many smiles will be dedicated to us.