Vietnam suffers spectacular birth growth

Some countries of the world suffer a true birth boom, an example we have it with Vietnam where they have reached the spectacular figure of 1,600,000 births in 2006, with a population that reaches 85 million inhabitants. In Spain the population is around 45,000,000 million inhabitants and there were 481,102 births and this figure is somewhat significant thanks to the high number of births belonging to the immigrant group. A simple rule of three is enough to realize that Spanish birth does not happen precisely for a good time, our country should have reached at least 800,000 births to consider that we have an optimal birth rate.

Returning to the issue we were dealing with, it seems that Vietnam is expected to achieve a similar figure this year, since it coincides that the country is in the Year of the Golden Pig and according to the Chinese zodiac it is special to conceive a child. These types of beliefs would not work in our country, but aid and tax reduction would.

So far this year, the data reflects the same birth growth and that the government recommends that the number of children be controlled, although it still does not limit the amount, something that does occur in China. In addition, to add more satisfactory data, it turns out that this country has a very young population, up to 54% of the population does not exceed 30 years. Very different is the situation in some European countries that run the risk of being those that contain the oldest population on the planet and even the world.

It will be a matter of knowing in more detail what are the keys that allow this country to keep this pace. Anyway, since the beginning of the year a campaign is being carried out that allows birth control, since there is a fear that it will be triggered again as it happened years ago.

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