Why is it so hard to have children?

There are many of us who once had children, we ask ourselves, "How did our parents do it?" or we wonder even how they did it a few centuries ago, when people had three hundred children. Having children today is so hard that it is not difficult to see mothers and fathers physically exhausted, and sometimes even emotionally outdated.

There are those who come to wonder, with nature being so perfect, how is it possible for us to have children every year, or every two years, instead of spacing them longer to make it easier to deal with the offspring. The answer? Why is it so hard to have children? Because we have looked for it, basically.

Nature has its methods, but also its objectives

Surely you will have heard cases of mothers who are breastfeeding that spend months and years without having menstruation. Well, it is nature's method to make it a little easier: While breastfeeding a baby, you don't have the period and you can't have any more children.

However, when the shots are slightly spaced, when the baby already eats other things or sleeps more hours in a row many mothers begin to menstruate. Some even have the rule before the baby turns six months, so the method is not infallible.

The fact is that, in spite of this little help, that it is also not for firing rockets because what can be achieved is to have children who are around 2-3 years old, nature has its objectives, or perhaps we should say "its objective ", and cannot neglect it: that our species is perpetuated (Although if nature were a living and changing entity and saw what we have become, I do not know if it would continue doing its work so hard).

Well, leaving those who govern us aside, the ultimate goal is that we do not die out, that we continue to grow in population or, at the very least, that the species survives. Formerly infant mortality was very high and life expectancy very short. Adding both things could not be expected to have children every five years, so "look, I leave a small margin while you are a baby, but then get to work, if not we play the next generation."

Humans are social beings that we have become stupid

When I talked about those hard times when mothers can no longer wait and expect parents to do whatever it takes, everything a tribe would do, because it takes a tribe to raise a child, I already commented.

Humans are social beings, we are designed to live together with each other and to cooperate, to live in communities where we all work side by side, where everything belongs to everyone and in which children are raised by their parents, for the rest of adults and for the older children, being everyone's responsibility.

The problem is that at some point in history we became stupid and, over time, we have been able to make it worse and worse. We continue to unite by communities, but the theoretical town has become called "community of neighbors" and there is no God who does not want to move to a house to have to avoid them, sincerely. That is, our parents raise and educate us and instead of being with them and with our children we go from home to another place to live with people we don't know that do not help us at all and with which we maintain a simple relationship of cordiality, and sometimes not even that (and above we borrow until old age to pay for that place ...).

We run away from the town, the tribes break (or they don't even begin to form) and the concept of "new family" comes into operation, which is what we have created. A family of dad, mom and baby, who will then have maybe another baby and then maybe another and that they are very alone in this, after all. As we also live outside of nature, with dangers that we have invented, children cannot go out to play quietly in the street and everything becomes more difficult and confusing, because they are designed precisely for that, to run, jump, climb to the trees, climb the stones, travel paths and paths and get to know the world as soon as possible, since childhood.

Without a street, or we go to the park to blast themselves, a piece of land artificially delimited and full of irons in which children have to learn to queue and not harm themselves (when nature is free and with enough space for all children , so much so that you will hardly see a group of children queuing to climb a tree, because there are branches for everyone) or we point them to some sport or activity where they burn calories or we leave you at home to release all that energy, making us believe that they are naughty, bad bad and disobedient.

Anyway, I do not say that to solve this we have to stay at our parents' house to live together, because surely the concept of mother-in-law has also changed a lot over the years, and now there are families where sparks jump as soon as the joints. Perhaps there is no going back, not at least as long as we remain immersed in this capitalist and consumerist society in which it is more the one that has more (and thus to see what shit of tribe or town you are going to create…).

Or maybe yes, maybe when we realize that we cannot do worse, we finally decide to leave the cold cities, return to the green, to nature, tell him that we are here and show him that even, within our hearts, we are able to live without look at people over their shoulders and without going through them from bottom to top to compare us ... that is, let's be able to accept others, accept ourselves, and raise our children among all, again.

Video: Having Difficult Conversations with Children (May 2024).