The emotional project that sensitizes and makes visible the gestational and neonatal losses

Talking about losing a baby is never easy. Painful experiences are often lived and suffered in silence, but we must talk more about it, not only because this way we can understand it better, but we can also support sensitively and appropriately those who go through this difficult situation.

A project seeks to give visibility to gestational and neonatal losses and raise awareness about them, showing inappropriate phrases received by mothers who have lost a baby.

Titled "Project Benjamin" and launched by the group called RISE for Women, this project seeks to make gestational and neonatal losses more visible, in order to support and understand those who have gone through one.

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The project invites you to start talking more about it, and do so through phrases that mothers who have lost a baby have received, before and after people knew what they had been through. Many of them are very painful and minimize the feeling of women.

Michelle 1 daughter, Micah. He was born on July 13, 2012. He died on August 29, 2012 because of a muscular disorder. "Your life is so perfect."

Melissa 1 stepson 1 daughter, Averi. He died at 28 weeks. "Well, you can adopt."

Morgan 1 son who died at birth, Lennon. 2 spontaneous abortions. 3 children: Holden, Gavin, Rowan. "But he never lived."

Shannon 3 sons. 2 alive 1 loss, 35 weeks. "How many children do you have?"

Andrea 1 loss, 9 weeks. "When are you going to have children?"

Christina 1 stepson, Nicholas. 2 losses: 8 weeks, 25 weeks and two days, Hunter Anthony. "Maybe it wasn't meant to be."

Dana 1 miscarriage, Benjamin. 1 miscarriage, 5 weeks. 3 children: Madison, Scarlett, Matthew Ryan. "It was the wrong baby."

Christina 1 son born dead, Dylan. 1 son alive, Eddie. 1 miscarriage "He needs a brother!"

Caryn 1 loss, 29 weeks, Jacob Dylan. 1 daughter alive, Joey. 1 son alive, Drew. "You should lose weight before trying again."

Colleen 1 daughter born dead, 36 weeks, Evelyn. 1 son alive, Liam. "Stop posting photos of your dead baby."

The objective of making visible this type of loss is to raise awareness that people's lives are not perfect and we never really know the situation someone is going through. In addition, he seeks to honor the memory and recognize the life of these babies, which, while it was short, meant the world to their mothers.

In Babies and more Phrases you should not say (and yes) to a couple who has had an abortion

So instead of hiding it, acting indifferent or making cold comments, let's start talking about the subject, let's start the conversation and let's have more empathy and support for mothers (and fathers) who have suffered gestational and neonatal losses.

Photos | RISE for Women
Via | The bump

Video: The Emotion & Pain Project (July 2024).