$ 5,000 for every baby born in the United States

We could say that it is a “shoemaker effect”, now it is Hillary Clinton who proposes to encourage birth in the United States with a economic contribution of 5,000 dollars (about 3,500 euros) to each baby born in the US. The money would be used exclusively in future higher studies and would be deposited in an account in the name of the baby and could not be used until the university began.

Americans are sold the story that this money would generate interest that would accrue, so that the final sum would be higher. Honestly, it is an interesting help but it would be much more interesting to help newborns and their families, especially those who pass needs and are not few. Recall those credits granted by the mayor of New York so that parents could pay for their children's nursery. It is unfortunate, when a situation of need is suffered, a credit helps to increase it, since it must be returned sooner or later. Have you taken this situation into account, Hillary Clinton? The United States, one of the most powerful countries in the world has a large part of its families mired in misery and the children born in them have real needs. The aid should be effective in improving mother and child feeding, to reduce the costs of childcare, for medical insurance, for a thousand things that can improve the current situation, not to have paid studies within 18 years.

The new $ 5,000 baby bonus will be interesting for a sector of the population, especially for the middle class, it will not be an effective measure for the most disadvantaged. Curiously, this morning we published a study that related racism to infant mortality in the United States and in which some of the poor conditions suffered by the black race in that country were shown. It would be interesting and more effective to help these social strata, they are the ones who need it most.

It seems that the greats of politics in that country do not know the situation of their citizens, especially the smallest.


Video: Mothers discover their babies were switched at birth. 60 Minutes Australia (July 2024).