Public teats nationwide to promote breastfeeding

Although most countries celebrate World Breastfeeding Week the first week of August, in Spain it is celebrated during the first of October so that more people can participate in the events that are held to commemorate it.

It is celebrated in the 41st week of the year, which coincidentally coincides with the week of the baby's life in which breastfeeding begins after birth.

For that reason, hundreds of women from all over the country yesterday they have gathered in more than 20 cities to breastfeed their children in public in order to support breastfeeding and remember that it is the best option to feed the baby, at least during the first six months exclusively and for two years combined with other foods, as recommended by WHO.

The concentrations have been a success. In Barcelona, ​​430 women, a hundred in Ourense and another one in Murcia, in Granada, a dozen mothers, in Zaragoza the same, and thus in several Spanish cities that have joined simultaneously with the national public tit promoted from all associations belonging to the Spanish Federation of Associations pro-breastfeeding associations (Fedalma).

In some meetings they have also used to collect signatures in favor of extending the maternity leave to six months, which is the time that the baby should be fed with breast milk.

Remember that the motto of this year is "the first hour is important" referring to the benefits of breastfeeding the baby within the first hour of life. Early initiation is one of the keys to breastfeeding because in addition to favoring the attachment between mother and child it is shown that mothers who breastfeed their babies no longer be born, do so for longer.

A pity that my 13-month-old baby had been feverish over the weekend, but we would have happily joined the "macrotetada" four (my girl, me and the two milk suppliers).

Anyway, we make our private celebration in private every day.

Video: Policies That Work to Reduce Gun Violence (July 2024).