While here they cannot go to school with a diaper at age 3 in England many have been with it for 5 years

Two months ago, because of what we were in summer and September was approaching, we explained how to help children control the sphincters for the entrance to the school for children 2 and 3 years old. Entry that in many autonomous communities has already been given and that in others will happen next week.

In that post we commented that with 2 and 3 years many children are not able to still control the pee and the poop and that the logical thing would be that they could start the school wearing diapers, both for the comfort of the children and actually for the comfort of the children teachers (I think), which take less time to change a diaper than to change a complete change. The fact is that no, in most schools they do not allow you to wear them with a diaper, and looking at other countries to compare us a bit is curious because While here they cannot go to school with a diaper at 3 years old, in England many have been with it for 5 years (and the teachers are complaining).

Why do I say they should be allowed to diaper at 3 years old?

Because although most children enter controlling, more or less, the sphincters (some better, some worse, some with more leaks, others with less), there are always a few who do not carry the same rhythm, or are smaller, They will arrive without being able to prevent leaks. A child that starts now that was born in January is not the same as one that also enters now and was born in December. It takes almost 12 months and that difference, when it comes to achieving milestones, is abysmal at this age.

That is why I consider that the ideal would be that children who have not achieved it could go with a diaper and that both parents and teachers continue to work on it calmly and always without pressing the child in that sense: promoting their autonomy in the day to day for me to mature, To stop being a baby and become a child, and at home leaving him without a diaper, or offering the toilet, explaining where and how he can do it, using diapers that absorb less so that he notices the sensation of being wet more clearly and understands what we mean by pee, etc. All this, with the intention of controlling it throughout the year. In this way, it is rare, it would be weird, the child who enters P4 still with a daytime diaper.

In the UK, many go with a diaper at age 5

And this is what confuses me the most. Here, saying that we are still squeezing them without the need and in the United Kingdom it seems that parents squeeze little, so little many children go to school with 5 years still wearing a diaper. How many are many? Well, they estimate that about 1,600 children, as we read in the Daily Mail, where a retired teacher complains that many parents, due to laziness or overprotection, have done nothing to help the child to be autonomous in this regard and this generates problems and inequalities in the classrooms.

According to account, a survey revealed that more than 1,600 5-year-old children entered school every morning with a diaper on. Some with a clean diaper, others with a dirty diaper. This, of course, is a problem for everyone because "It is degrading for a 5 year old child and unfair for teachers who have to take care of cleaning and changing their diapers".

In addition, he explains that although teachers have assistants in class, their role is to be a reinforcer of education, of learning. The teacher directs the class and the technician who shares responsibility with him helps children to do homework, to explain to small groups if they have not understood something, etc. If this figure has to be dedicated to changing diapers to children, two things happen: the child that has to be cleaned misses part of the class, every day, and the rest of the class is lost during those times to the second educational figure.

Come on, that goes to say that children have to go to school with the social norms learned and that it should not be the function of teachers to teach children to control sphincters, if we talk about children who are starting the third school year Children's

What do I think about it? My mother, then you can imagine it. You know that my speech is always based on respect for children and their times, not to pressure children if they are not prepared to do something. But man, one thing is not to press and another is to go from it and make you a dependent person, to such an extent that it can be a problem. Parents have to take care of our children and do what they cannot do because it is our duty to accompany them in that learning, but when they are able, when they can learn it, it is irresponsible on our part Do not allow them to advance.

Just yesterday I wrote about Japanese children, who are very autonomous right away because their parents teach them and allow them to learn and today I find this, that in other countries, for laziness, comfort or excessive protection, children do not advance, do not turn the page, staying in the baby stage when they should already be fully capable and relatively independent children. Really, my soul falls to the floor of imagining my children, when they were 5 years old, entering class with a diaper, and with a dirty diaper.

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