Babies exchanged what do we do?

Through the morning news we have known a unique case in which there is a certain drama, two Czech families must exchange their babies after having discovered that due to a hospital error, when the newborns were being weighed, they were changed. Soon they will be one year old, both were born the same day healthy and weighing 3 and 2.6 kilos.

How did the parents discover that the baby was not theirs? The physical differences were the answer, one of the parents suffered the jokes of friends questioning paternity, since the girl did not resemble the family at all. This fact led to a DNA analysis whose results began to clarify the situation.

Neither father nor mother had any genetic trait that matched the baby's DNA, so the suspicion of a possible infidelity also faded, there was only one logical answer, to inquire what happened in the hospital. Five babies were born the same day, after the investigation and the discarding of each of the babies, the other family whose baby was exchanged was reached.

Without a doubt, it was a very hard drink for both families, although the one that I do not suspect anything, has had a worse time knowing the news, the drama of having to return the little one after having shared so many happy moments is something that they will never forget Sadness and tears are present every day. Both couples have agreed and the babies will be exchanged again, but there has been a time, the change will take place a few days before Christmas, but before they will live a few days to interact with their true daughters and have the support of those who He has raised.

Now the hospital's action is investigated and whatever the response, the families will request compensation for damages. It is also necessary to carry out the process that allows changing the name of the babies, since each parent wants to be called as they wanted at the time. It is hard to believe that situations of this type may occur in the times in which we find ourselves, where measures such as identification bracelets, analysis and other measures guarantee that each baby is delivered to their true parents.

Video: Mothers discover their babies were switched at birth. 60 Minutes Australia (July 2024).