Online information for parents of gifted children

For children who have high intellectual abilities it is difficult to adapt to your surroundings, to school, to children of their age ... because of those characteristics that make them special and for which society is often not prepared.

It is also an arduous task for parents to facilitate their adaptation and development in that environment. The lack of comprehension and raising awareness of a large part of our society, together with the lack of proper advice, hinders the proper transition of gifted children.

That's why from time to time we bring data about giftedness and high capacities, advice, questionnaires ... Today we focus on a series of Internet links that provide interesting information to parents of gifted children.

The Spanish Ministry of Education dedicates on its website a section to students with high intellectual abilities, educational attention, educational levels, action plans, scholarships, attention to parents ...

We also found a section in the Ministry on Spanish legislation that deals with intellectually gifted students, with the conditions to make educational levels more flexible, procedures to follow to guide the educational response to these students, criteria for psycho-pedagogical evaluation ...

From the website of the Spanish Society for the Study of Giftedness (SEES) we access a great compilation of all addresses in Spain: high capacity and gifted associations from various cities, centers for talented young people, psycho-pedagogical cabinets… In short, spaces where parents can find support for information.

The SEES also has a section on legislation or courses for parents, apart from other specialized content for psychology and education professionals.

In the Spanish Association of gifted children (ASENID) we find the possibility of buying several guides for parents, some notebooks that have the objective of guiding parents in the education of children with intellectual giftedness and that deal with diverse concepts, from a definition of giftedness to performances at school, at home, stimulation of creativity, where to find help ...

Also in ASENID it goes on sale teaching materials with specific resources for gifted children divided into several levels (from early childhood education, from 4 to 6 years old, to Compulsory Secondary Education). A section on "Internet Resources" for children from 3 to 6 years old lists several links to educational websites for children in the house, although not specifically gifted.

The Spanish Association for the Gifted and Talented (AEST), has among its purposes an information service, advice and guidance to the family, children and adolescents in matters of high intellectual abilities, as well as a section of consultations in the that parents or interested parties can request information or raise their doubts.

Together with other associations, the AEST has promoted the creation of a platform for the defense of the rights of the gifted: the Plades Platform, created for the defense of the rights of the gifted and talented before society and fundamentally in educational systems. The Platform is based in Madrid, although it has representatives in several communities.

On the website of Plades There is a forum in which the participants present their doubts, concerns and experiences related to their high-capacity children, becoming a meeting point for parents: debates about school legislation, experiences in kindergarten, guidelines of collaboration parents-school or Case reports of bullying are some of the issues we encounter.

Video: Teaching Gifted Students (July 2024).