When will they stop programming caesarean sections for breech delivery?

Based on scientific evidence such as those mentioned recently by gynecologist Emilio Santos in the interview conducted by Babies and more, the Canadian Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology officially recommended a year ago that the way of changing attend the births of buttocks and caesarean sections are no longer scheduled automatically.

According to what they explained, it was recommended to do a programmed caesarean section automatically when a baby with buttocks was coming, since one study found that if it was expected that the labor would begin, greater risks were assumed. However, current scientific studies indicate that these results were erroneous, since they did not assess the fundamental cause by which a vaginal buttock delivery can be complicated, that is that the cord comes with problems, is short or with turns.

Today it is known that what should be done is a very detailed ultrasound to be able to determine if the position of the cord can cause problems and only make a cesarean directly if so. Otherwise it is better to let the labor progress and discard the caesarean section if it is not necessary, allowing a vaginal birth.

He also recommended, and it is very interesting to note, that the gynecologists who attend deliveries are updated and trained to return to attend vaginal births of buttocks. It is seen that it was not usual there either and the doctors did not have the necessary experience to deal with these cases.

It is striking to remember this change of strategy that shows that gynecology societies should and can be updated It is your responsibility to attend to the new scientific evidence and adapt the protocols to them. If I had a C-section scheduled for this reason, I would have serious doubts about whether the professional or the center is up to date and would seek another opinion.

He would not leave me, the truth, if there are no real demonstrable medical reasons, and it seems that it is increasingly clear that there are none, I would not let my body and my son run a risk because of the lack of updating of the health system to which I was coming. I would seek a second opinion.

In Spain, it is still common for breech births to be caesarean sections, usually even scheduled. The strange thing is to find doctors who attend vaginal births. In Canada, breech births are no longer automatic caesarean sections and they have worried about training doctors who were not prepared to handle these cases.

How long will we have to wait in Spain for the Spanish Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics and most hospitals to be updated in this regard and stop programming caesarean section for breech delivery?

Video: Vaginal breech delivery and symphysiotomy (May 2024).