The belly button of the pregnant woman

We have talked several times about the baby's navel and how to take care of it, however we don't talk about belly button of the pregnant, which like the rest of the woman's body, also undergoes some changes.

The bulging or raised belly button is a characteristic that most pregnant women have towards the end of pregnancy, usually around the third trimester, when the gut has gained volume. Gradually, the uterus grows and expands the abdominal wall causing the belly button to tense and end up coming out.

It can be seen flattened, bulky, jutted, or giving the impression that its had turned. The navel is often related as something unsightly, but we must not forget the vital symbol that this button represents in the middle of our anatomy. Through it we have supplied our baby with the blood, oxygen and nutrients needed to develop inside the uterus.

That he belly button of the future mom Exit, sooner or later, it is not a cause for concern, it is one of the "marks" of pregnancy, just like the dawn line. In women who have flabby tissues, the navel may sprout earlier, while in others it can go almost unnoticed.

In any case, after delivery, when the umbilical cord has already fulfilled its function and once the uterus returns to its size, the navel returns to its original position and appearance, although there are women who do not recover the navel as It was before pregnancy.

Occasionally a umbilical hernia in the mother due to an over-exhaustion of the abdominal muscles. The most characteristic symptoms are: presence of a soft lump or mass in the abdomen, localized pain or tenderness in the area, there may be vomiting, indigestion, constipation or other disorders of the gastrointestinal system, and it is likely that umbilical skin lesions occur such as dermatitis or infections caused by friction with clothing or sweat.

To correct a belly button that has become too protruding, a simple intervention is made in which the surgeon removes excess skin to rebuild the belly button.

Video: What causes pain in the belly button ? Good Health for All (May 2024).