The Shopping Center that prohibited rectifying breastfeeding

A few days ago I told you that a shopping center had published restrictive rules that banned breastfeeding outside breastfeeding rooms. It has rectified. The news reached the breastfeeding support groups and it appears that numerous letters were sent to the center complaining about the action taken.

I imagine that the bad publicity of a "tetada" protest or the scandal that would bring pretending to expel a mother from the center for breastfeeding has made them reflect.

Babies need to be fed on demand and there is nothing imprudent in doing so to the breast, just as it is not to give them a bottle either. A piece of nutritional breast should not be a cause for scandal and less for prohibition. You have to be able to breastfeed where and when necessary.

The center, which has not given explanations, has withdrawn the public cartel where it announced its curious rules a few days after jumping to the news, it is foreseeable to reconsider its position. Already you can breastfeed in the mall The Fueros de Barakaldo.

The right of admission is not something that allows public premises to decide who enters and who does not by absurd criteria, but for clear reasons and according to law. Breastfeeding a baby cannot be included among them.

Video: Что означает мышцы синергисты мышцы ли, что кофеин снижает выработку тестостерона (May 2024).