The emotions of babies

We have spoken on many occasions of the enormous importance of affectivity and attention to needs emotional baby for its harmonious further development.

For psychological and even biological reasons, being raised with respect will have an impact on the way in which the child will feel the world and feel himself. If the emotional needs they are taken care of the child will grow up without fear and with confidence. Violence, including emotional neglect, will lay the groundwork for distrust of others and the devaluation of oneself. To be happy you have to feel loved and respected from the initial stage of life.

Many times parents, who love our children, do not know how to love them. We repeat erroneous preconceived ideas that devalue the baby and take us away from him, without thinking about whether the way in which we were educated may not be the most appropriate. Discovering this allows us to face those ghosts that live inside us and face the upbringing of our children without repeating harmful behaviors.

The crying baby expresses a need, sometimes physical, but also, and very importantly, affective. If when we hear the baby crying we fall into ideas like crying to annoy, to tease us or to do what he wants, we are acting against him and repeating a pattern of dangerous thinking. The baby does not know how to speak and manifests his emotions the only way he can, by crying.

Likewise, their need for physical contact is enormous and fundamental for their correct psycho-affective development. If a baby cries so that we can take it, we have to lift it, hug it and calm its need.

This may seem unimportant, but the need for affection and its physical expression, which is what the baby understands, is enormously important. If you need love and you are given, you understand that your need for love, that you, yourself, is important and worthy of being respected and loved.

But if your crying is received with indifference and mockery, if you are treated as manipulative, bad and capricious, you will believe that you are like that, that you do not matter and you are worthless to those who are everything to you.

For a baby or child to feel loved we need to understand their emotions and also interpret what their emotional needs and satisfy them. We can deepen these issues by going to specialists such as the psychologist Enrique Blay, who organizes numerous workshops for professionals and families in which he addresses these issues and who maintains a page where you can expand what I have explained here.

Video: Learn Feelings and Emotions for Kids. Preschool Learning. Kindergarten Learning. Emotions Child (May 2024).