Special swimsuits for pregnant women

He maternity swimsuit It is an essential garment of every future mom during the summer. The hottest days of the year are approaching and we are all worried about how we will look tripita in the pool or on the beach.

In this special we will give some advice on the most suitable swimsuits for each woman and for each stage of pregnancy, always with the aim of making the pregnant woman feel comfortable. We also bring you some of the swimsuits that you can find in stores in this summer season 2009 so that you choose the most suitable.

As in everything, in this there are also tastes for all colors. The choice may depend on how many months you are and the size of the gut. Some choose to continue using the swimsuits of the previous year because they are comfortable and do not squeeze them anywhere, while others choose to buy swimsuits one or two sizes larger than they usually use, depending on how much the belly has grown and the breasts

Whatever the choice, the main thing is that you feel comfortable. If the swimsuits of other seasons are not useful you can use a swimsuit without spending too much money for a garment that we will definitely use only for three or four months.

The first question that is presented to us is whether it is better to wear a whole bikini or swimsuit. The answer is: it depends. It depends on which one you feel most comfortable with. Personally, bikinis seem very beautiful and aesthetic for pregnant women who have no problem showing the gut.

Ideally, look for one that holds the chest well and whose bottom fits well with the body. It is not time for strips or triangulitos. Better the bras of strong straps and the wide panties. Lately I have seen some mini shorts style that are very comfortable for future moms.

However, if you are one of those who prefer to take the tummy to shelter from the sun you can use either the whole swimsuits that stylize the silhouette a lot or the tankini, a two-piece swimsuit halfway between the bikini and one whole.

The whole swimsuits are very comfortable, because they are the ones that best hold the gut. The neckline should be sturdy and, except for some models, they are usually quite closed at the back to give more support to the front. I advise you to buy one that makes small wrinkles on the back to give it room to stretch as the belly grows.

On the other hand, the tankini, composed of a wide bottom and shirt, allow greater freedom for the growth of the gut. I find them ideal to protect the gut from the sun, besides they are very cute. There are some composed of three pieces (bra, panties and t-shirt) ideal for wearing a bikini type and when we want to cover the gut we add the shirt. Of course, if you have the gut already too large it is not good that the shirt rises every time leaving the gut exposed. In that case, it is better to resort to looser t-shirts or the entire swimsuit.

One option to create our own tankini is to buy a lycra shirt that holds our chest well and dries quickly and combines it with a matching wide panties.

With these tips, let's see some of the swimsuit models that we can find this year in stores.


Prénatal is one of the reference brands in fashion for pregnant women. This year we propose whole swimsuits in marine tones and tankinis in citrus colors as the models we see in the photo above.


Some time ago we mentioned the offers in maternity clothes from Kiabi. They also have a line of swimsuits for pregnant women, in addition to bikinis with panties type shorts that come in handy for future moms. Maybe the quality is not the best, but it has good prices, something to take into account in the times and especially if we take into account that the swimsuit we will use three months.

Kiabi's maternity swimsuit line consists of the three models that you can see above. The chocolate color has a very nice cut with an adjustable cord under the chest and is on sale for 9.99 euros.


Decathlon, the sportswear brand, has also launched a line of Tribord maternity swimsuits at very acceptable prices, although with a sportier appearance and cut.

They are made of a reinforced fabric that adapts to the changes of the woman's body. At the same time, it has an X-shaped braces and a top bra integrated in the upper part.

Mit Mat Mom

The Mit Mat Mama store has super nice swimsuits this season, although somewhat more expensive than the previous ones. There are very elegant ones in black and white tones in whole version and tankini like the ones we see in the cover photo of the post, or in sailor-inspired colors like the one we see in the catalog image above.

Avenue des babies

For prices around 60 euros we can find colorful models in the clothing store for pregnant women Avenue des babies. One of my favorites is the red of the image on the left, as well as a violet one with a bow under the neckline.

A model that I have not seen in any other store is a bikini with a super-high pant that covers almost the entire gut and can bend down if we feel like it.


Let's now turn to the tankinis. The mothercare childcare brand has a 50's style striped tankini model at a price of 36.90 euros.


Finally, I show you a chocolate-colored tankini model from Indybel that looks great. It seems to be the trendy color of summer and is certainly a very elegant tone to vary from the classic black. The swimsuit has gathers on the chest and at the height of the gut for comfort and comes in various sizes. It costs 31.50 euros.

I hope you have found our interest Special maternity swimsuits in Babies and more and that you all look a beautiful little trip next summer.