"The empty cradle", a book about prenatal death

Empty cradle"It is a book that talks about the loss of a pregnancy, a situation in which approximately one third of them end up. Dr. Emilio Santos, the psychologist Rosa Jové, Angels Claramunt and the psychologist Mónica Alvarez also collaborate.

It deals with the loss of a pregnancy at any time during pregnancy or in childbirth from different points of view: personal, social, medical, psychological and psychotherapeutic, emotional, spiritual. And no one guides parents in this complicated circumstance.

One in three pregnancies end in loss and yet socially it is not expected to happen. "Empty cradle"It is aimed at these families. One in three couples end their dream of becoming parents in the midst of the desolation of loss, the misunderstanding of society, the lack of medicine and without clear guidelines on what to do with their lives and their pain, they need to elaborate the grief, think about the funeral or other funeral rites and especially face the everyday from now on.This society does not prepare us for death and much less if it occurs within the mother's womb or in the process surrounding the birth.

"The empty cradle" It is a book born of a necessity. The need to speak, without fear or false myths, about a reality that many couples live and for which no one is ever prepared: the loss of a baby at some time during pregnancy, children who are never born.

As we have treated on previous occasions, perinatal death is surrounded by absolute silence, it acts as if nothing had happened, but it is not true. Parents need to face very intense emotions and also carry out specific procedures towards which no one guides them. Knowing the sensitivity and experience of the authors of "Empty cradle"I am sure you can help many families at this terrible time.

Video: TWICE "Feel Special" MV (May 2024).