What craving did you have during pregnancy?

It seems that up to a quarter of pregnant women have cravings, those desires of our appetite that we have to satisfy yes or yes. Cream with strawberry, nuts, chocolate, horchata ... Surely your list of cravings during pregnancy It is much wider, and we would like to meet you

They can be drink or food, and they usually add to those other foods for which a certain aversion is generated (temporary, fortunately; we will return to them).

In my case, I have to say that two of the cravings I had and that I remember especially were not too appropriate during pregnancy (why don't you give us cravings for fruits and vegetables so as not to feel "guilty"?): A sweet called Mudejar braid and Iberian loin.

By the way, the braid thing is quite remembered, because I toured several villages and made different stops on the road to locate one ... (I didn't find it!). But, What happens if the desire cannot be satisfied?

There is a lot of legend about it, and any spot or mole of the newborn is usually associated with an unresolved craving.

My mother also toured several bakeries in the city when I told her the anecdote of the Mudejar braid, to prevent the craving from being passed to the baby (in the end she found something similar in one of them ...). However, it is proven that this is not the case, that unfulfilled cravings do not produce spots on the baby

Cravings could be one of the first symptoms of pregnancy that can begin to indicate that the body asks us for some specific food. Although there is no scientific explanation for this fact, the reason for these impulsive desires could be the metabolic and hormonal alterations that the pregnant woman experiences.

In any case, those desires for a particular food without which we seem to faint, those cravings during pregnancy are small whims that, in moderation, and to our satisfaction, they should always be satisfied. What were yours?

Video: Can my cravings predict my babys gender? Nourish with Melanie #38 (July 2024).