Highly recommended: laughter therapy sessions with the baby

One of the games that parents and children enjoy the most are the laughter therapy sessions with the baby. Is highly recommended Reserve a few minutes a day to play with the baby, because besides being very fun, it helps to establish a positive communication between them.

Laughter is health. When we laugh a physical and hormonal mechanism is triggered that gives us a great sense of well-being. The body releases endorphins, helping to relax and improve oxygenation. In addition, laughter helps eliminate fears, reduce stress and strengthen self-confidence.

The laughter therapy sessions do not have to be long, just about five minutes a day, or until the baby shows lack of interest. Of course, you have to play with the baby according to your mood. If we see that he is not in the mood for laughter, we better leave it for another time.

Games to make the baby laugh

Making a baby laugh is very simple. A great technique to start are the tickle, being careful not to hurt her, be it on the feet, finger racing on the little trot, on the sides or, the bane of my baby, on the neck.

Some like nothing, but others love foot bites. You must try what your baby likes best.

You can continue with the game of cu-cu-tras or hiding, babies love to play hide and seek. With a handkerchief (if it is better translucent) you can cover his head by asking "Where is the baby?"

You can repeat it again and again. Babies really enjoy repetitions. They don't get tired and always ask for more.

A classic that does not usually fail are the pedreretas in the tripita. My baby is fascinated and always asks for “more, more” (more, more).

Another infallible formula for laughing is to get away from the baby and with slow movements you approach telling him "What attracts you".

If the baby is more than six months old and already sits alone, you can sit him on the lap holding hands and swing it Back and forth. Already in a more movidito plan you can play the horse making him jog and gallop.

Finally, a game that drives the older ones crazy: the plane, but watch out for dizziness.

The best time for the laughter therapy session

Any time of the day is suitable for a laughter therapy session with the baby, whenever he wants. Although it should be avoided at bedtime so you do not go to sleep altered, with an overload of stimuli.

At the end of the day, before the bath, taking advantage of undressing the baby, is an ideal time. It helps you relieve the tensions of the day and then a relaxing bath.

I recommend the laughter therapy sessions with the baby. It is a great way to strengthen communication between parents and children in a fun and positive way. The little ones enjoy them very much and the parents too.