March 21, World Down Syndrome Day

Since 2006 it has been institutionalized March 21 as the International Day dedicated to Down syndrome. It was proposed by an association of Singapore joining significant numbers, on the 21st (in relation to chromosome 21) with March, third month of the year (for the trisomy, that is, an extra copy of chromosome 21 or a part thereof, in place of the usual two).

This initiative has been spreading little by little throughout the world and on a date like today the media are echoing what is intended to be claimed during this day: better conditions for people with Down syndrome and their acceptance and normalization as full citizens.

Although there are fewer and fewer babies born with Down syndrome, there are 34,000 people with this genetic disorder in Spain, and medical advances make their living conditions better and better. But not only does health matter in the growth of people with Down syndrome.

The support of the whole society to these people and their families is fundamental, and this is how two young people in their Congress have claimed this afternoon in Congress Manifesto, "Because we have rights".

Jordi Balcells and Blanca Sansegundo have read in the Constitutional Chamber A1-1.1 of the Congress of Deputies these words with which they make their voices heard, and from here we echo them, joining their requests.

Today is World Down Syndrome Day, a genetic alteration that occurs in one of every 1300 people born in Spain, occurs in all countries of the world. This day is very important for the 34,000 people with Down syndrome who live in our country and we are proud that this Congress, that of all Spaniards, has opened its doors to speak as full citizens. I am a person with Down syndrome and I cannot hide it, but I am not ashamed of it either. It doesn't stop me from living my life. I just want to be accepted as I am, a young, sincere, brave, hardworking, responsible and good person. Having Down syndrome is not a luck, but it is not a disgrace either. We are different, but not inferior. We can be ourselves, be happy, love and be loved, and be useful for ourselves and for our society. I want to take advantage of this day and this place so that our voice is heard. I ask to be one more citizen, with his rights and also with his obligations. We want you to let us make our own decisions and support us when we need it. We have understood that we have rights and that many are violated. Until recently we did not know. We do not want to be different, we have the right to do the same things as others. The International Convention on the Rights of persons with disabilities says so. And in Spain we want it to apply now. We want our abilities to be recognized. Also by the judges and courts. That we are not incapacitated or that we are considered second-class citizens. We are one more and we want to be treated like everyone else, that nobody discriminates us when we go to a store or enjoy our free time. We want to study with our classmates with and without disabilities, without being taken out of the ordinary classroom. We want a job and earn a living like everyone else. We want to be allowed to have a full affective life and not limit our sexuality. We want to live as independently as possible, choose the site and the person who lives with us. Society has a hard time understanding that we have desires, dreams and goals like other people. When you have the opportunity to talk to someone like me, ask him about his wishes, his projects, his goals ... you will see that we all share similar dreams ... Today is World Down Syndrome Day. We raise our voice to say that we want to live our life, because we can, because we want, and because we have the right to do so. Thank you

We hope this manifested on World Down Syndrome Day reach a lot of people, politicians, parents, doctors, judges, educators ... And that the whole society understands that the problems that people with Down syndrome can have will be less and less with our support, recognizing their rights. They are different people, they are special, but not inferior or "second-rate".

Video: DEAR FUTURE MOM. March 21 - World Down Syndrome Day. #DearFutureMom (July 2024).