They design a belt to see the baby at any time

One of the most anticipated moments when a woman is pregnant is the day she touches an ultrasound during her visit to the gynecologist. The uncertainty of how the baby is, how it looks, the desire to see the face, lips, nose, hands and ultimately see the whole baby are some of the reasons that make that day a special moment.

If the woman is treated only in social security and everything is going well, there are three days when an ultrasound is performed. If instead you go to a private center, ultrasounds are usually done monthly and these moms see their baby more often, paying, of course.

This "problem" has not gone completely unnoticed because Melody Shlue, a student at the University of New south wales He has devised the solution: a belt with a screen with which to see our baby at all times.

The belt in question has been baptized as PreVue and At the moment it is just a prototype. He has been a finalist in the Australian design awards James Dyson and was designed, according to the author, to help overcome the concerns of mothers who, knowing they are pregnant, do not notice the baby until after the fifth month of gestation (sometimes before).

In addition, with said apparatus, parents can get more involved in pregnancy, because through the screen they can see their future baby, the one they do not notice, do not see or feel, unless they put their hand on the couple's belly and are lucky that the baby decides to move.
It even serves to see, in real time, how the fetus reacts to stimuli such as the voices of mom and dad, music, mother's movement, etc.

The belt works by ultrasound since, in fact, it is like a portable ultrasound in the form of a belt with a screen included. For this reason there are those who would not see with good eyes that this device ended up developing, because professionals do not quite agree on the safety of ultrasound in pregnancy.

What do you think the invention?

Video: Crash Test Without Safety Belts Buckled In The Back Seat (July 2024).