Dads and moms blogs (LXII)

Today, as every week, we review the most interesting thing that has been read in some of the moms and dads blogs We can find on the net.

We start with White Log, where Blanca tells us about the children's tantrums and how their feelings are about it in the entry entitled "The self-esteem of our children through ours."

In Irene's house, Azulitoclaro asks us if it changes our lives to be parents. Obviously he says yes, but he also tells us how and how much it has changed him, that in view of what he says is very much and very enriching.

In Different maternityEloísa, a mother I had the pleasure of meeting at the Breastfeeding Congress in Ávila, tells us firsthand what they explained about the Breastmilk Banks, focusing on their quality and safety.

In Me motherEstanjana tells us about the imitation power of children, both for the good and for the bad (apparently this mom - like most parents, I would say - usually says some bad words), showing how the sleeper is done, but how also mimics some hobbies.

In The Octavian NestYarim tells us the unfortunate fall of his mother, a fact that serves as a vehicle to talk about her as a passionate daughter, with her more and less, but showing that in the end she always ends up reconciling with her mother, friend and now grandmother of His son Octavio.

In Enjoying together, Rebeca tells us how was the breastfeeding of Mayor (her eldest daughter), a difficult path that she solved with mixed breastfeeding with decisions that made her feel good and with others she had not taken now. The experience is interesting because now she is breastfeeding Little (her little daughter) and the result seems to have been better.

In the always interesting Go through the mirrorVioleta tells us about praise and praise. What kind of compliments exist and which are more "healthy" and which less. Very interesting for any father and mother, for everything he says.

To finish, in Building a family, Suu tells us how was the first visit of his baby (Pequeñín) to the pediatrician and confesses that he did not explain that Bichito and Pequeñín were sucking in tandem to avoid trials and future prejudices in future visits.

I take this opportunity to remind you that if you have any Blog in which you talk about your children or things related to motherhood and babies, you can tell us in the comments for us to read and comment on.

Video: Let's Stream Some Earthbound Blind Session 10: Sanctuary (July 2024).