Frequently asked questions in the second trimester of pregnancy (III)

After two entries answering the Frequently asked questions during the second trimester Today we bring you the third installment in which we will answer some of the questions that remained in the inkwell.

Being pregnant, I don't feel like making love, is this normal?

You are right. There are women who, especially in the first months, feel tired and generally not too strong to have sex. From the second trimester the belly begins to grow and many live it as something uncomfortable and annoying: "yes, being as I am that is what I was thinking precisely", it is often said ironicly.

It is actually something normal, The problem will exist if the couple is not able to understand how you feel about the new physical and psychological changes.

No, the opposite is happening to me. Being pregnant I have more desire to make love ...

Well, it is still normal, since we have said that each woman lives her pregnancy in a different way. Some women become more sensual with pregnancy and feel better with their body. It could be that hormonal changes increase the feeling of well-being and satisfaction. In addition, the body becomes more sensitive (among other things it increases blood flow in the genital area) and what for some women can be annoying for others can be very pleasant.

But can we have sex without risk for the baby?

As a general rule yes. Sexual intercourse during pregnancy is recommended (if you feel like it, of course), because it helps keep the relationship stable, helps you relax, is a good exercise and helps the mother to continue loving herself despite the physical changes she is experiencing (I say regret, because women often experience weight gain as a "regret").

Sexual intercourse cannot harm the baby, since it is protected inside the amniotic bag, where it floats in amniotic fluid.

Vaginal fluid has become thicker, is it normal or could I have an infection?

The amount of vaginal fluid increases during the second trimester, but must be transparent and mucous texturedCertainly thicker.

If there are symptoms such as itching, irritation or if it smells strongly there could be an infection that will most likely require treatment.

After brushing my teeth my gums bleed, why?

With hormonal changes the gums become thicker and softer. This makes it easier to damage them with a toothbrush or even spicy foods. It is for this reason that it is recommended to brush your teeth gently and go to the dentist while pregnant for a preventive assessment.

I'm starting to gain more weight, if I gained a lot, would the baby be bigger and so it would cost me more to give birth?

Most likely not, because the one who gains weight is the mother, but not the baby. In general, the size the baby takes depends more on other factors (especially genetic) than on the amount of food the mother takes.

Can I lose all that extra weight after pregnancy?

Yes but the time it takes is very variable. Some women return to the weight of before becoming pregnant in weeks (those that there are people who have not even realized that they have had a child) and others instead take much longer.

It is advisable to make a balanced diet both before pregnancy and during and after, in addition to doing some exercise, which helps to burn calories and increase metabolism. It is also recommended to breastfeed, since breastfeeding burns many calories.

Sometimes I have strange dreams, like I will lose the baby, does that mean anything?

Many women have dreams many times more curious than those women who are not. It is possible that there will be a greater emotional intensity and greater uncertainty about what is to come, but it is not worrying.

It could also happen that, when pregnant women have more irregular sleep patterns, they are better able to remember their dreams (and that these do not differ as much from those of non-pregnant women as we think).

But I think there is something wrong with the baby, is it normal for me to feel this?

The uncertainty and the wait make, in many occasions, that the women end up thinking at some moment of the pregnancy that perhaps there is something that goes wrong, although everything is normal in the analytics and controls. This can happen due to some bad experience of their own or others or to read cases of pregnancies that ended badly, for example.

If the tests carried out indicate that everything is going well, most likely everything is going well. However, nobody can guarantee anything 100%, so there is no guarantee that there will be no problem. In case of doubt it is best to go to the doctor to talk about it.

And if there are still doubts ...

If there are still doubts, you can ask the questions through the new Answers section of the blog, where both editors and readers can offer their wisdom or experience.

Video: 2nd Trimester Q&A with Belly to Baby (July 2024).