Learn English with Muzzy

At the end of the 80s, more or less at the same time that "Once upon a time ... the human body" arrived at the small screens and it pleased the young and old alike a character that would also mark a before and after in the mode of Teaching children came into the picture.

At that time, there was a great demand in Spain for learning a foreign language: English. This was the reason why our country's televisions opted for an English course produced by the BBC. And that's how the children began to learn english with Muzzy.

For those who do not remember, Muzzy is a green hairy alien that feeds primarily on watches. Muzzy arrives at the imaginary kingdom of Gondoland, and there he meets the King, the Queen, Princess Silvia and all his entourage.

From there, each episode represented a different adventure that contained a certain vocabulary related to the chapter in question, making it easier for the child to learn.

The truth is that it was a very original and striking method at that time for the little ones to enter the knowledge of a second language, although when children are young they do not require a formal education to learn it.

With Muzzy, children can internalize and learn the sounds, words and phrases of another language spontaneously. That is to say, the little ones learn another language following their natural learning process.

In addition, Muzzy not only worked with a second language, but also cognitive abilities such as visospatial orientation, imitation or logical-mathematical skills thanks to the many situations that will be encountered throughout the chapters.

Currently, young children can no longer only learn English with Muzzy, but now there is a wide range of teaching languages, such as Mandarin Chinese, German, French, Italian, Spanish and even Esperanto.

On the other hand, there are more and more audiovisual methods for children to learn another language, especially English, such as "Dora Explorer" or "Manny Manitas." But like it or not, and I say it from nostalgia, I will always see the spirit of that “big Muzzy” present in all of them.