"Iyal's story", living with a child with fetal alcohol syndrome

After the recent World Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Day we have approached a little closer to this disease and other disorders related to alcohol consumption during pregnancy. In line with this topic, I have discovered the videos of "The story of Iyal", a child with fetal alcohol syndrome.

The videos tell the story of a family facing fetal alcohol spectrum disorders when they adopt a child with that problem. Although they warn that each family has its own experiences, challenges and achievements and does not try to promote specific interventions but to share the history and hopes of a family.

I find the approach to everyday life of a child who suffers from the disorder fascinating, but who is also capable of showing empathy and love, who wants to have fun, play and ultimately He is a child who needs at least the attention and affection of his family.

There is the video in short version (3:40, which we can see above) and in full version (7:40) and both can be seen with English subtitles, although we have the scripts of the text in Spanish (here we can read the short script and here the long version).

"Iyal's Story" He received the 2009 MarCom Platinum Award, sponsored by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals. We recommend that you go to one of the videos and highlight the final words:

And since there is no cure for this disability, we have to inform the public that it is 100% preventable; that if a woman is pregnant or wishes to conceive, you should not consume any alcohol at all. All parents want our children to be happy, and that is what we want for Iyal. I think that finding happiness when you have this disease is going to depend a lot on Iyal feeling safe. As he is a very vulnerable person, it will be our life's task to keep him protected and out of danger.

Difficulties, fears, worst and best moments of living with a child with fetal alcohol syndrome we find them in "The Story of Iyal", an exciting video that takes us away from the theory about the syndrome and shows us the reality.