The postpartum of the famous, a business for slimming aid companies?

It is the first time that I hear it but it surely won't be the last, because almost any process of life ends up being used by third parties to get an economic benefit.

I am referring to Jessica Simpson and his first pregnancy, the result of his relationship with a former football player. The artist will charge, once she has given birth, 3 million dollars to lose weight following the recommendations of the Weight Watchers (Weight Watchers)

One reads this news and can come to think that it is written upside down, because it is understood that when someone wants to lose weight, they put themselves in the hands of a professional and pay them for their services, however it is not so, because it is they who have offered this amount to become your advisors in the task of losing weight.

Apparently, the actress and singer has received many offers in this regard because, if a few months after giving birth she appears on TV with a slender and divine figure of death, the answer to the question “how did you do it? " be the best advertising that a company that helps with weight loss can get.

The secondary problem of this is that the weight a woman gains in pregnancy, which are kilos of reserve for everything that being a mother, ends up being seen as a problem, as an undesirable side effect of gestating and giving birth to a child, when It is something normal, natural and, as I say, they are the reserve that will gradually be lost due to lack of sleep, lack of rest and breastfeeding, among other things (parents should also get a little fat in pregnancy , I think).

It is true that many women have problems to lose those kilos, because nature is not perfect and because we do not live today as they lived thousands of years ago, but I know of some that with breastfeeding and motherhood, and especially if they breastfeed for several months or years, they become thinner than before pregnancy (without going any further a mother told me the other day that she wanted to wean because she was getting too thin).

Anyway, be with Weight Watchers or with any company, the artist He already planned to lose weight after having his baby, because he intended to be as beautiful as possible for his wedding with his partner, which is planned for a few months after delivery.

Think about yourselves, but I think it is counterproductive to advertise weight loss after pregnancy, as if the kilos gained were a disease or something. Who knows what some women can do during pregnancy so they don't have to suffer later to lose kilos.

Video: Chemicals in the Environment - Dehumanising Humanity 2017 (July 2024).