15 tips to control dizziness and nausea during pregnancy

One of the best known symptoms of pregnant women is dizziness, nausea and vomiting. In fact, they are so representative that in the cinema it is very common to offer clues that a protagonist is pregnant making her vomit when someone less expects it.

It is estimated that 80% of pregnant women suffer from dizziness, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy, and that Vomiting affects almost 50% of pregnant women. That's why we want to offer you fifteen tips to control dizziness and nausea during pregnancy.

As everyone knows, almost all pregnant women overcome these symptoms after twelve weeks of gestation, however they may reappear later, towards the end of pregnancy and, in the worst case, may not disappear completely Until it doesn't give birth.

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I know it sounds like “often pregnant,” but I have a co-worker who said “Oh, I'm fine!” The day she gave birth, realizing that in the nine months of pregnancy she hadn't become herself or a moment.

If dizziness and nausea in the pregnant woman occur in the morning

  • Leave a couple of Maria cookies or a toast on the bedside table. When you wake up in the morning, before getting out of bed, eat them little by little. This way you can avoid nausea that comes from the low level of glucose in your body at that time. Stay in bed a quarter of an hour and, when you go out, do it slowly.
  • Eat whatever your body asks for, or what is the same, pay attention to your feelings. It is possible that when you wake up you are not too hungry, but you may feel like some specific food. Do not drink anything hot and better not drink too much liquid at that time, they vomit more easily.

If dizziness and nausea in the pregnant woman occur after meals

  • A while before eating, take a tablespoon of condensed milk. After about ten minutes, you can start eating.
  • Do not lie down after eating, to be able to do the digestion sitting, especially if the vomiting has appeared at the end of the pregnancy, when the uterus presses upwards to the stomach, making easier the appearance of vomiting.
  • Whenever possible, rest half an hour after lunch and dinner.
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If dizziness and nausea in the pregnant woman occur in the afternoon

  • Eat breakfast like a queen, eat like a princess and eat dinner like the poor. This way you will have better digestion in the afternoon and evening.
  • Try to avoid getting tired during the day, or in the afternoon you will find yourself worse. Go taking small breaks when you can and, if possible, relax after eating the half hour we have discussed before.

If dizziness and nausea in the pregnant woman occur throughout the day

  • Eat little and do it often. Better "many few than few many."
  • Go to the safe and take the food that you know will sit well
  • Eat slowly and chew food well, so the stomach will have to make less effort to digest it.
  • Take gingerbread cookies, which relieves nausea.
  • Cook food easily, without too much seasoning: steamed, grilled or baked.
  • Drink fluids to be well hydrated, but no more than your body asks, because you will fill your stomach too much.
  • Stay away, although surely you already do, from strong odors.
  • Avoid environments that you know will be charged or too hot, you will get dizzy almost certainly.
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If all this does not work, or even when it works, there is always the possibility of talking with the gynecologist to prescribe some medicine for nausea and vomiting, being the best known and used the Cariban, which helps many pregnant women (my wife is one of them) to move forward.

Video: Dizziness in pregnancy: All you need to know (May 2024).