Protect project for investigation and reporting of child abuse

Some time ago we talked about the campaign There are no excuses, against child sex tourism, and today we bring you this initiative that also aims to draw attention to child sexual exploitation, Protect Project for research and fight against pedophilia, to which we wish many achievements to eradicate this scourge.

Protect is an international cooperation project that pursues and denounces the commercial sexual exploitation of children and adolescents in places where poverty concentrates the greatest sources of sexual crimes. Protect, promoted by the Global Humanitarian Association, assumes the legal defense of the victims of these crimes and seeks their recovery and social reintegration.

He Project Protect focuses specifically on child sexual exploitation that occurs against children and adolescents who live on the street or find in it precarious livelihoods. The initiative also focuses on the exploitation that takes place by foreigners in countries receiving the so-called Sex Tourism with children and adolescents. Its areas of action are, above all, Colombia and Cambodia.

Project Protect also aims to detect the existence of sexual abuse of minors by foreign citizens, residents of the country or occasional visitors, and has initiated a campaign called "1,000,000 SMS against child abuse", which aims to raise funds for its work.

Global Humanitaria promotes this campaign to disseminate and attract resources against child abuse and in favor of children's rights, which has its own website. 1,000,000 SMS against pedophilia aims to add the wills and actions of thousands of people by disseminating a video and making micro donations through SMS messages in favor of Protect project activities against sexual exploitation juvenile.

There are familiar faces that are lending their support to this campaign, and the easiest way to participate is to send an SMS to the number they indicate with the word PROTECT. The cost of the SMS is 1.20 euros for Movistar, Orange and Vodafone users (it will go entirely to the project); 1.42 euros for the rest of the operators, with whom it is necessary to consult the specific conditions of donation, because the companies also keep a part of that money.

We hope the Protect project for investigation and reporting of child abuse Continue with the social support necessary to carry out your work in defense of the rights of children, innocent victims of abuse by people (to say something) unscrupulous.

Official Site | Protect, 1,000,000 SMS against pedophilia In Babies and more | 1,800,000 children affected by child sexual exploitation, Child abuse in Spain: the cursed figures, One more step in the fight against child sexual exploitation, Let's break the chain of child slavery

Video: Pediatrics Child Abuse: By Romy Cho . and Kathleen Nolan . (May 2024).