Father's Day coloring pages online

Today I want to propose an activity that has my delighted four-year-old daughter, it's about Coloring Father's Day drawings online, drawings that we can print later if we wish (for her, all would end up on paper).

Actually painting online is something that entertains him a lot, although given the proximity of Father's Day I have searched for this theme, and we will also take the opportunity to choose one of the drawings that we can keep on the computer and print it.

We find seven different drawings in Educima: always starring father and son, although in different scenes and sometimes in the scene very particular families appear: dad and son mice, bears, trees, puppies ... Which do you like more?

The mechanism is very simple, we can choose different painting functions (buckets that fill the spaces, magic brushes ...) and the color we want from a wide variety of shades. We can also write the text we want to congratulate dad, or the names of the children ...

Children love to have imagination and of course they are not realistic in the resolution of the drawing, but that is the least, surely the result is at least original.

When we have the Father's Day coloring page online Finished we can save it on our computer, send it by email, print it ... And above all give a surprise to Dad, who will be delighted with the work of the kids.

Official Site | Educima In Babies and more | Free Coloring Pages, for coloring, playing and more, The Color: digital whiteboard for coloring, Father's Day Coloring Pages