Codecademy is a page for children and adults to learn to program

To propose that children learn to program from an early age I don't think it's something crazy. And it is that every time we are surrounded by more technology to which we must not give up or resign ourselves to others who develop functionalities staying as mere spectator users. That is why we have to take the step and take advantage of the great opportunity for the economy and employment to participate in the first line of development to export technology, equipment and facilities to other countries. And that must be built since we are little. For example, the United Kingdom already has an enviable environment in terms of the development of companies on the Internet, with strong use among citizens and companies, with international investments in developments and with an advertising market that bets on the Internet as a platform. And to complete the circle they are putting the focus on the educational system responding to get technology to be integrated in the process of training students.

In Peques and Más we recently commented that in Spain it is necessary to promote in schools the computer programming knowledge. Although it is not the definitive solution if the use of the page is a big step forward Codecademy To learn to program. Codecademy is a combination of teaching and technology which proposes to learn in a simple way many concepts to start programming. At a time when training courses have an excess of office automation and a strong lack of practice, it seems that we have forgotten that it is better that you do not give me fish but that you have to teach me how to fish. And is that learning programming, in an initial way is much better than nothing. In addition, Codecademy includes a social component of healthy competition with measurement of progress and obtaining plaques by way of achievements and challenges overcome. In the picture are my own progress with the application and I think that for children from 10-12 years old it can be a good way to approach this discipline.

And is that not knowing how to program is one of the main obstacles that arise when it comes to raising a business idea. Because not all computing is knowing how to write in a power point or make a table in word. You also have to start banishing in Spain the idea that a programmer is not well paid. Experienced programmers are respectable, respected, sought after and highly valued people. I also believe that programming is one of the most creative activities and that develop abstraction abilities similar to those achieved by playing chess.

I want to remember that Cocademy's proposal is a tool. As our Creative Attitude friends told us, the important thing is not the tool, the important thing is to develop the capacity. And that is the challenge, teach children to handle processes, abstract concepts and rules that can then be programmed.

I encourage teachers and parents who want to try it. Its interface and exercises are simple, fast and get fast results. In addition, the social component that we have commented encourages the creation and construction of healthy competition with friends.

Video: 5 Resources for Learning to Code (July 2024).