Renta 2018: basic tutorial for parents who make the declaration for the first time

It is a very common situation for many taxpayers, especially those who are first time parents: You are sitting in front of your computer, you have no idea of ​​taxation and it is the first time you have to submit the income statement. Where do you start

Quiet, because it is easier than you might think. Presenting your income statement as a parent is not difficult, even if you face her for the first time. You just have to know what are the most important boxes within Renta Web, what implications each of them have and how you should fill them out and review them so as not to have any problem with the Tax Agency.

How to include your children in the income statement

The first thing we have to do is obviously Know where children are included in the income statement through the Web Income program.

Where to find this data? In the Web Income program, on the Personal Data page, which is the first screen that will appear when we create a new statement in our program, in the Children and other descendants section (minimum by descendants).

Advertising In Babies and moreRenta 2018: the draft boxes of the declaration that interest you most if you are a father or mother

By default, all our children will appear sorted by date of birth. In the event that one does not appear or the information contained in them is not correct, we must correct it by clicking on the pencil option. Normally, it must include if you have a tax ID number or not, the degree of relationship with the two spouses, the disability if you have one, and other special situations.

For example, in the case of a taxpayer with two children, one born in 2014 and another in 2017, the information should appear as follows:

It is important that this information is correct, since they are the data that will be used later for the calculation of the minimum by descendants and other deductions that are applied by children. The following video will guide you through the process:

Increase in family minimum

If it is the first time you file the declaration as a parent, you will see that the result of it is slightly different from the previous exercise. The reason is that each child increases the minimum per descendant, which is the amount which increases the minimum tax-free for each child under 25.

The amounts that increase this minimum per descendant are the following:

  • € 2,400 per year for the first child.
  • € 2,700 per year for the second.
  • € 4,000 per year for the third party.
  • € 4,500 per year for the fourth and following.

These amounts will increase by € 2,800 for each of the descendants of less than 3 years, and will be applied jointly to both taxpayers when the child lives with both spouses.

Where to find this data? On page 29 of the Web Income program, boxes 0513 and 0519, in the option "Adaptation of the tax to personal and family circumstances: personal and family minimum". This information appears automatically when you have filled in the data of our children in the previous step.

In the case at hand, having a child born in 2014 (with more than three years), and another in 2017 (under three years), the minimum per descendant is calculated as follows:

Minimum per descendant = (2,400 + 2,700 + 2,800) / 2

What makes a total of 3,950 euros, which added to the personal minimum, which in general is 5,550 euros make a total of 9,500 euros, which will be the minimum exempt for this taxpayer.

Deductions in the differential fee

Working mothers with children under 3 years in their care can enjoy a double deduction: the first, which is offered to all mothers who contribute to Social Security, worth 1,200 euros, and the second, which also lead to their children to the nursery, for 1,000 euros. Both deductions are directly reduced from the differential fee, that is, what the taxpayer pays to the Treasury or what they return.

Where to find this data? On page 33 of the Web Income program, boxes 0611 to enter the amount of the maternity deduction and box 0613 in the event that the child goes to a childcare center authorized child education centers.

In this point, Social Security contributions must be introduced that the taxpayer has paid throughout the year 2018 and the fees paid by the child to the corresponding nursery.

Recall that, in this case, the deduction is only applicable to children under 3 years, in the current example, only one of the two children could benefit.

Autonomous deductions

Each autonomous community offers a series of particular deductions, among which are those for the care of descendants or for school supplies.

Where to find this data? These deductions begin in box 0850 and extend until 1021 and in many cases include allowances for birth or adoption, large family or school expenses. If you have children, you should always check them.

Statement result

Finally, it is important that you review the result of the statement to verify that all the data has indeed been incorporated correctly. This is reviewed in "Summary of Declarations" and it is convenient that we perform the calculation of all the information contained there, especially the part of deduction for maternity and childcare expenses.

In Babies and more, have you had a child in 2018? This is how maternity and paternity leave is reflected in your income statement

Model 145 of the Tax Agency

Although model 145 is not part of the income statement, it is an important document detailing the Treasury what changes in our circumstances have occurred in the last fiscal year. Through it, we will inform our company that we have had a child to apply the corresponding withholdings for the calculation of our payroll.

Each year, your company will make you fill out this model so that you can report if there has been any change that has to be transferred to the Treasury. This information is then transferred to the income statement. Therefore, if you have already sent it before, in principle you will not have to do anything because the data already appears in the draft. Of course, it is recommended that you check all this information because it is not free of errors.

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