The Circus Price Theater belongs to the 360º world theater network

A few weeks ago I was at the Circus theater Price enjoying the worldwide presentation of the work of Canadian theater director Robert Lepage. The work is called 'Card Game 1: Spades' and is part of a four-course program whose theme will be explained through card games. The most surprising thing about the play, which was not for children, was that it was developed in a totally circular scenario.

And is that the circular scenarios are an amazing way to see a play. In the world there are a few spaces in which it is possible to represent this type of work designed for all viewers to enjoy and the actors also because their performance is contemplated from the 360º that composes the scene. The theater network is fantastic and is an exceptional heritage with beautiful buildings as you can see on the website of the 360º theater network. The image shows the Julio Verne Circus Theater in the city of Amiens, in France.

In Spain, the Circus Price Theater belongs to the Network and the director, Pere Pinyol, is one of the founding members. Lepage's work is working for Europe, it is a great show and has a plan for which he hopes to release the four suits of the deck During the 12 hours of the show! Imagine the efforts of the actors, six representing up to six characters each, and the audience with a circular scenario in which everything can be seen. I hope you get it because it would be a great show.

What I like most about the project is that the 360º Network aims to represent shows in which the stage will be surrounded by the public as a whole. Especially I hope you think of children and works that they can enjoy. I think it is a creative work to think about programs that can be represented in these types of spaces and make the viewers marvel at us and with their mouths open.

In the Lepage show, the stage was constantly transformed and the lights, sounds and acting ability of the actors were used to build fantastic scenarios. I loved a moment that recreated in a way, almost cinematic and live, the desert of Las Vegas to which the dreams of casino players were going to stop as well as other characters that appeared in the play.