Conclusions of the II National Homeschooling Congress

Last weekend took place in Pamplona on II National and I International Congress on Family Education-Homeschooling. It was held at the University of Navarra and has focused on the theme: "Educational innovation, ICT and flexible school" with which it has been intended to pay attention and deepen this phenomenon with the educational and social implications that it brings.

Experts in Pedagogy and Educational Innovation, Law and Philosophy from numerous Spanish and foreign universities have participated in the Congress.

In addition, there have been numerous communications about homeschooling, the reality of families, current studies on this educational modality and many other topics.

One of the communications, which I sign together with Teresa García and Sorina Oprean, has the title "Homeschooling: educational innovation, transmission of values ​​and socialization" and in it, we have analyzed different investigations that agree to indicate that children educated at home acquire excellent social skills and they develop intellectually, culturally, laborally and socially with results above, even, of the average.

The conclusions of the Congress are very positive towards this educational modality and suppose a call, made by the experts in Educational Innovation. to the public authorities to develop a legal framework that recognizes what is already a reality not at odds with constitutional principles and be able to improve the education system and make it more flexible adapting it to the innovations and improvements that ICTs put at your disposal, emphasizing that today the role of the educator should be more oriented to select and promote knowledge than to transmit it .

Video: How to Judge Congressional Debate (May 2024).