Do you know what it is to become a Cañizares or a Fatima Báñez with the phone?

When i was little the phones were only for talking, with a single person, and also had to make a memory effort to remember what number the caller had and type or dial it on the device. At XXI century the digital natives or whatever you want to call those born in this century, have agreed to devices that allow communication with many people simultaneously, without remembering any number, without knowing almost anyone and with added features such as access to games or information with content of interest.

And what happens if we leave the phone to our children? Well, we run the risk that the applications or games they use allow the connection to a social network and can be disseminated, from a success in a video game, as happened to Fatima Báñez, to an image taken with the built-in camera as It happened to Santiago Cañizares. In the middle there may be everything: messages sent from the company's email or from the staff, access to Internet pages with content not suitable for minors, messages on confusing or absurd social networks, etc.

So there is a high risk of something happening if we leave the phone to the kids and that is why it is very important to explain what features does the device have and what is very important not to mix the uses that can be made with the applications. And if we leave the phone or a device connected to the children, it may be possible to disconnect access to the data so that it does not use social networks, send emails or connect to unwanted pages.

We also have to check what happened after we left the device, it is convenient to restrict access to the purchase of applications or generate notices on the mobile of the credit card to know if you are buying at discretion, and above all explain that if you leave the phone to play you just have to do that and nothing else .

Social networks are not a game and especially if you are a media person it is very easy to become one of the most commented references on the day. You have to be alert and attentive. I do not like to ban because I think it is possible to leave the device although we do have to follow some guidelines to reduce the scares and risks to the maximum.

And is that What surely our little one is going to get is anything except calling someone with the phone!