Tim Burton's "The Art of Frankenweenie" Exhibition

I consider myself a faithful follower of the filmography of the always peculiar Tim Burton, from that beautiful Christmas story that is "Eduardo Manostijeras", to his peculiar adaptation of a children's story that I remember with love ("Charlie and the Chocolate Factory") , not forgetting the magical "Nightmare before Christmas".

That's why I'm looking forward to the next October 11 to go to the movies to see with my family his "new movie": "Frankenweenie". And I say "new" because it's about the long adaptation of Burton's short film as a student, almost thirty years ago. But to open my mouth, I will go to see the exhibition that they have opened recently: "The art of Frankenweenie" by Tim Burton.

This exhibition is from last September 29 and will remain until this next October 6, and is located in the Count Duke of Madrid. In it we can see, totally free, an exhibition on the art of "Frankenweenie" so that both large and small can enjoy everything it offers: original sketches and puppets, models and many more things, in addition to knowing what the stop-motion technique (technique with which this film was made).

Finally, briefly tell you about the story of "Frankenweenie", which is the following: Victor is a child who has to face the loss of his beloved pet, a puppy named Sparky. But little Victor does not want to resign himself to thinking that he can never be with him again, so he takes advantage of the power of science to bring his best friend back to life.

I don't know about you, but I'm not going to miss this exposition about "The art of Frankenweenie" by Tim Burton before going to watch the movie. Will you go to see the exhibition and the movie with your children?