From mother to mother: these are the most beautiful and unforgettable moments that you will live with your children at each stage of their upbringing

It is normal to feel a certain nostalgia as our children grow. But as the mother of three children who are in different evolutionary stages, I would say that each phase has something wonderful that makes me adore the time of parenting I'm living, not especially missing the period left behind.

From the crush of love after childbirth, to baby games, the first babbling, the "why" stage, or pre-teen conversations on topics I never thought would end up coming. These are, from my experience, the most unforgettable moments that you will live with your children throughout their upbringing.

First months of life

For me, the most beautiful moment of my children's first months of life was when they fell asleep in my arms, or curled up in a frog position on my chest. Feeling your leisurely breathing, your addictive baby smell, and your heartbeat is something you never forget.

And this is one of the reasons why I always recommend porting, since it is an activity that allows you to have your baby well attached at all times, giving kisses no barracks and taking advantage of those unique moments that skin to skin brings.

The start of complementary feeding has also always been very exciting to me, and although I have not been in a hurry to start this moment, I recognize that I have enjoyed preparing my children's first meals and accompanying them at this stage since the practice of BLW, which always has left me pictures and videos hilarious.

12 to 36 months

From the first year of the baby's life, everything seems to change at a dizzying pace: we begin to discover the world through their eyes and to walk along a wonderful path accompanying them in their first steps. And if anything I would highlight from this stage is precisely how much our children teach us from their innocent and magical perspective, and from its continuous "why".

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From three to six years old

It has always seemed to me that the three years of our son mark us the beginning of a new stage as parents, in which we say goodbye to the baby and welcome the little boy who will surprise us every day with his continuous progress and occurrences.

The diaper has been left behind, maybe also the pacifier, the bottles or the crib, and the school has begun. Feelings clump together without giving us just a truce to digest what we live! That's why my advice is squeeze this stage to the fullest in which events seem to happen at full speed, and not hesitate for a second to play with them, or lose shame and disinhibit us by singing or dancing by their side.

In Babies and more My daughter is no longer a baby and I have a thousand mixed feelings

Another of the things I enjoy most about this stage is to be able to live with them the magic of Christmas and the first visits of the Little Mouse Perez. When they are younger they are little aware of it, and as they grow that illusion is being lost, that's why I think this is the ideal age to create these kinds of memories.

From six to ten years old

Although it may seem to us that at this stage there is a certain "stagnation" as far as parenting is concerned, personally I think they are wonderful years, where new skills that children develop give us endless opportunities to turn any everyday act into a fun anecdote with them.

It occurs for example when they start reading or performing simple mathematical operations. This important step in educational matters becomes a great opportunity to integrate them into other types of household chores, such as preparing the shopping list with us, or helping with family savings. In addition, literacy opens up a wide range of possibilities for enjoy a shared reading time with them, and continue to strengthen our bond.

And like reading and mathematics, the rest of the knowledge that children acquire in their elementary stage also allows us to express more intensely the leisure moments by their side, and thus discover and enhance their interests and put them in common with ours.

Preteen and adolescence

Popularly there is a belief that adolescence is a complicated stage, in which there is a gap between parents and children that leads to distancing and even cohabitation problems.

As a mother of a preteen I have to confess that the stage ahead of us produces some insecurity, although for the moment we are preparing the ground with a firm and solid relationship, based on trust, mutual respect and emotional accompaniment.

I don't know what adolescence will hold for us, but I can say that Preteen is being a particularly fun and nuanced stage, in which the conversations of all kinds happen and the resolution of doubts that I never thought would arrive so quickly. In short, I think this moment makes us grow suddenly as parents and I want to continue enjoying it for a long time.

We often hear that motherhood is difficult and exhausting, and we seek to "burn stages" quickly to discover what the next one will hold. But in all of them we have much to learn, live and enjoy. So, from mother to mother: squeeze out every moment! In Babies and more The nine reasons why I thank every day for my motherhood

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