Let's learn a little more about meteorological instruments

I was checking the weather forecasts for these days and I found myself in the AEMET with some online games for simple but quite instructive children. I am in favor of using resources that bring knowledge to children, to arouse curiosity and the need for active learning, so I found it interesting to use it occasionally.

Specifically I have been reviewing the game dedicated to meteorological instruments, which are those devices that measure variables such as temperature, rainfall, wind speed etc. You will find it on this page. Children like to be approached by their environment to understand it better, and I think the game can cover a small gap in the range of resources we have today. It tells us about the thermometer, the barometer, the hygrometers or the weather checkpoint.

The information is combined with didactic activities

A small section of curiosities ends the course of the game, by the way you knew what? 'Weather vanes used to be at the tip of church steeples and were usually made of copper and covered with a layer of gold. Pope Nicholas I asked that a rooster be placed in the highest part to represent the triple denial of Peter before Jesus'.

I think that in the next holidays we will dedicate some time to this resource, although if it rains a lot we can also remember some of these games.