To dream that we forget the baby

Facing news that occasionally jump to the media about babies or children who have been forgotten in the car or in other places by his parents I always wonder how it is possible. I try to put myself in the skin of that mother or that father who appears shattered trying to explain the inexplicable.

The fear of identifying ourselves with that situation can be demonstrated in many ways, and dream that we forget the baby is one of them.

Unlike the dream in which our children are taken from us, which I had once had during pregnancy, this bad dream of leaving the baby forgotten has only come after being a mother.

I imagine that, before motherhood, it was difficult to imagine the responsibility of caring for our children and that it was reflected in dreams of this kind. Instead, now fully aware of what we need each other and that we are your guide and your boat, it is easier to fear if we are not fulfilling our role as parents.

The dream in which we forget the baby, in which we lose it by a mistake, I think it means some kind of insecurity apart from the fear of this happening to us, even if we see it as impossible.

It has happened to me sometime when we are preparing a trip, or when we are in a new place. This I think is due to the fact that, in front of the breakdown of the daily routine and before an unknown experience, in an environment in which we do not move safely, while we sleep, that feeling emerges.

As in the case of the nightmare in which the baby is taken from us, in this bad dream the feelings are distressing and despair is added because we were the culprits and irresponsible.

Nor do I know how the dream concludes, because before I wake up (I have the strange ability to come to a point of the nightmare, in dreams I tell myself that it cannot be true and I make the effort to wake up). Anyway, I imagine that if you have had these nightmares you will agree that the dream that we forget the baby It is not a pleasant experience.

Video: Why Can't We Remember Being Babies? (May 2024).