Santillana launches the Desk application for children between 3 and 8 years old

Santillana just launched the application Desk confirming the trend that tablets in education have a high potential to facilitate learning, stimulate the imagination and allow leisure. School desk incorporates all the usual school tools used by children of child or primary in their tasks, such as pencils, eraser, multi-colored markers, waxes, magic markers or a camera, to draw on photos we take with the device.

With these tools children can color or draw, join with strokes, review calligraphy, label, solve mathematical operations and problems, write and order sentences, read stories and color them, recognize English vocabulary, etc. The application can be downloaded in a way free and later they can be acquired packets of chips at a price of 0.89 euros using the Pupitre app itself.

The application has a modern and close interface for children aged 3 to 8 years and is simple and intuitive, easy to use and motivating. The packets of tokens are classified in the store of the app itself by themes, ability to work or level and age of the user to whom they are directed. Each package includes about ten pieces, all of them offer a playful challenge for the child, from coloring and joining with arrows to solving a puzzle or a puzzle and all incorporate self-correction and can be solved as many times as desired to improve the final score.

As the child successfully completes the chips, he wins new virtual prizes that he can use in the free drawing sections or application scenarios to encourage his creativity. On Christmas holidays, and if the calendar of events of these family parties allow it, it can be a perfect time to reinforce what has been learned at school.

Including educational content in tablets seems to be consolidating and there is already a wide offer in the market. And it is that parents also know that these educational applications can contribute to emphasize the learning process by complementing the effort made in school. The challenge is to get applications to take advantage of the new language offered by these devices that can be much more enriching and stimulating than paper.

From Santillana they have issued a very entertaining video to see the application in operation and above all explain how it is possible to put a desk in a tablet:

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