It is dangerous not to educate minors and not worry about what they do or do on the Internet. Pere Cervantes and Oliver Tauste

Pere Cervantes and Oliver Tauste.

We have interviewed Oliver Tauste and Pere Cervantes, both are the authors of Tranki Pap @ s (edited by Oniro), a book we have already talked about in Peques and Más, and they also exercise functions in police forces, specifically in the investigation of crimes committed through the Internet. This facet is what has allowed them to know the risks that lurk the minors in the network,

As we can read on the official website Tranki Pap @ s, the manual they have written 'is a backpack full of tools that the authors put at your disposal so that you are able to direct and supervise the navigation of your children on the Internet, in order to avoid all those risks that you should know, and in the worst case cases, that you are able to react to situations of abuse '. Obviously, adults responsible for minors must be able to react and start training, in order to achieve a safer Internet that allows us to enjoy all the advantages it offers.

We hope you like this interview. Peques and More.- What requirements should the Internet meet to be considered healthy and safe?

Pere Cervantes.- I am of the opinion that the Internet, its websites and platforms, try daily to reinforce security in order to avoid cybercriminals, although the first requirement that must be met is borne by users, and that means' becoming aware of how user where do I access, what do I access and obtain crime prevention tools, which are there? If the user is also a father or mother, transmit that information to their children through dialogue.

The little awareness that there is still in many homes about the danger of browsing children on the Internet without any adult supervision, can itself be considered a risk for children

PyM.- What are the main risks to which children and adolescents are exposed when they surf the net? What are they due to?

Oliver Tauste.- There are many risks that a minor faces in the network. We are especially concerned about the large amount of personal information, personal data about their life and customs that they expose on the Web. This information can be the breeding ground that attracts groomers, cyberbullying and other criminals.

Another of the risks that we must take into account is the lack of awareness that there are still in many homes about the danger of browsing children on the Internet without any adult supervision. Minors need us to teach them to navigate, to explain the risks they will face and above all that they perceive their parents as guides in that virtual world that they frequent so much, not as enemies or supervisors.

We must educate our children to prevent cyberbullying, because the identity of a child is being forged as a teenager and any attack on it is more than a joke or hooligan.

PyM.- Cyberbullying, grooming, child pornography, ... is there a greater incidence in this type of crime?

P.C.- Unfortunately yes. Of the aforementioned, the cases of cyberbullyinq stand out above the rest, which is nothing more than the harassment in the network that leads to a greater grievance in the personality of the minor due to the diffusion that it has on social networks, instant messaging chats, etc. Grooming is a major step because of the danger involved, as embodied in the book Tranki Pap @ s, being the real date with the minor by the groomer the greatest danger.

On the other hand the scourge of child pornography, like all crimes, is evolving in terms of modalities, ways of transmitting or distributing those files, but for that we are the Police Technology Research Groups. In cases of cyberbullying there is no better prevention than the education of our children. Do not forget that it is a crime committed among minors in which one is a victim and another is an author. Raising awareness of minors that they are not jokes or "hooligans" is a first step, it can be a crime against Moral Integrity or against Honor. The identity of a minor is being forged as a teenager and any attack on it is more than a joke or hooligan.

We are especially concerned about the large amount of personal information, personal data about your life and customs that expose on the Web

PyM.- What attitude should children adopt in order to protect their privacy and security when they interact through social networks?

O.T.- In general, children should know that the Internet is like a big city, full of strangers. As we have told you at home that when you go out on the street do not trust strangers, do not accept anything from anyone and do not talk to strangers, they should be aware that the same thing happens on the Internet.

On the Web, not everyone is who they say they are, so they must distrust those proposals made by strangers, especially if it is about exchanging personal photographs or videos or staying in a public place to get to know each other. Equally they must be prepared to tell their parents any actions that occur on the network that annoy or dislike them, so that a responsible adult can detect in time any risk to put solutions.

PyM.- I believe that we have all forgotten in one way or another that in virtual relationships, minimums should be maintained (as in personal relationships) in terms of prudence, education, respect. Sometimes even adults forget this, do you think it is important to convey these ideas to the youngest?

P.C.- It's fundamental. As you say, we often focus on what our children do wrong, such as the recent cases of telephone applications such as the "Gossip", in which other harmless comments, including certain insults, vexations, threats that They occur among minors. However, it is not uncommon to find complaints of adults with the same criminal or reprehensible behavior in police stations. We are of the opinion that dialogue and reminding our children that the Internet is not the city without law, is one of the primary premises.

Minors should know that actions on the Internet can have consequences, so it is advisable to think well before posting photographs, videos or comments, if these contents may harm them in the future.

PyM.- What are the fundamental props of network protection? That is, what basic security measures should children follow when they use it to have fun, interact or share?

O.T.- The main thing that any minor must know to ensure their safety is that they should not navigate alone, that is, some trusted adult should supervise what they do. The purpose is not to restrict your freedom but to guarantee your safety from stalkers or pedophiles..

On the other hand it is very important to avoid scares that are aware that they must establish secure passwords for access to their profiles on social networks and that they should never share them with other minors or friends. They should also know that actions on the Internet can have consequences, so it is advisable to think well before posting photos, videos or comments, if these contents may harm them in the future.

It is worth mentioning that parental control programs security levels increase during internet browsing. The information provided by these programs available on PCs and tablets helps parents to properly manage access to web pages of inappropriate content, to know the number of hours of browsing per day and to restrict everything they see fit according to age. and characteristics of the child.

Do not supervise the menore, do not educate them and do not worry about what they do or do on the Internet, that is dangerous

PyM.- Educate, guide, supervise, spy, ...? What is the role of parents in relation to the safety of their children on the Internet?

P.C.- Of all the verbs you propose, we stay with the educate yourself to educateIn fact, it is the motto that we try to convey in Tranki Pap @ as. That parents and educators be educated in everything related to ICT (Information and Communication Technologies). The role of parents is everything, or does a father not want to learn the language that his son speaks and will speak with more impact in the future? The language of ICT.

As for spying, we support that minors earn that right to privacy that they claim so much. Once spoken with them and verified that they make good use of ICT, it is advisable not to act as a parent-spy and grant them that margin of freedom well earned. Supervising what our children do on the web cannot be misunderstood. Not supervising them, not educating them and not worrying about what they do or do to them, that is dangerous.

PyM.- Do you think it is necessary for fathers and mothers to be more involved in this educational task? What will be achieved when all families talk openly about these issues?

O.T.- If parents and educators are not involved in promoting safe internet use, security is in the hands of minors and, worse still, in the hands of criminals in the network who are looking for easy prey, that is, minors unsupervised that quickly access your wishes. We are convinced that when these issues are openly discussed in all households, we will have reached the level of involvement and social awareness that the ICT phenomenon needs.

Definitely the level of online security of minors will increase considerably. Father and children will speak the same language, that of ICT, fundamental for the adequate development of minors in today's digital society. Let's not forget that the future of our children depends on their ability to cope with ICT.

PyM.- We have already spoken on another occasion of Tranki Pap @ s in our blog, why is it a useful book for families?

Pere and Oliver.- For the simple way in which the most current dangers in the network for our children are expressed, as well as the ways to avoid them, and especially for the tools we offer so that a father who does not have much idea about it, ends After reading the book, being a father prepared to educate his son in that good use of ICT that is so necessary.

The whole family must be involved in the internet security of minors, since there are times when parents belong to the analog world in which ICTs pose a challenge that is too difficult to overcome, in these cases they can participate in education. older brothers, cousins, uncles, etc.

PyM.- We have talked about the role of the family and the attitude of parents and children, but what other actors are involved in the intervention against these crimes? How to improve the protection of children in this regard?

Pere.- Educators are another basic pillar. Schools and ICT development go hand in hand at an important speed. First and foremost, we have an impact on awareness as a first step, and we are referring to becoming aware of what dangers are in the network or of what attitudes are criminal, in order to transmit it to minors.

Oliver.- The events that have taken place in the digital world have been able to begin in the real world, which is why the surveillance carried out by educators is so important. They are another basic pillar to detect problems among children related to ICT in time, it may even happen that in the case of abuse on the web, the minor victim prefers to tell what happened to a teacher than their parents.

But we want to go further. We support the fact that Internet safety for minors is a task in which the whole family is involved, since there are times when parents belong to the analog world in which ICTs pose a challenge that is too difficult to overcome, either because they don't have the necessary time, motivation or both. Hence, it is vitally important to avoid problems with ICTs that other adults in the family (older siblings, cousins, uncles, etc.) are involved in carrying out supervision on the navigation of minors.

From Peques and Más we give the interview ended, not without thanking Oliver and Pere for their collaboration. I am really sure that Tranki Pap @ s will provide parents with very useful tools and knowledge to protect our children on the Internet. I keep the idea that minors must earn the right to privacy they claim, for this we must know how to guide and educate them, and they learn to act responsibly.

I still have to invite readers to read the book, and also to follow the official blog to access updated information on everything related to the protection of children on the web.

Video: How the iPad affects young children, and what we can do about it: Lisa Guernsey at TEDxMidAtlantic (July 2024).