My Little Book Box: a new concept of fun is born that will strengthen family ties throughout the book

Surely many will remember Boolino, an initiative to promote reading that It works as a social network in which profiles reflect the age and literary tastes of children, so that users can receive book recommendations.

Today, Boolino officials have presented a new concept of family fun: this is My Little Book Box. What is that of My Little Book Box, you may ask? It is a box like the one in the image that is full of surprises. And apparently we can expect a box of books, but It also allows young children to learn, read, create and play, through a story.

As you have seen in the video, children receive a book, a reading guide for parents, and material for activities

Each box is prepared for the age and reading profile of the children. The main objective is to make the reading experience transcend the reading of the story, but It also aims to strengthen family ties through the book.

My little book box is aimed at families who love and care about their children reading; parents, uncles or grandparents who prefer to give something that has a real impact on the child and his future.

This product It is marketed in two ways to adapt to the situation of each family: through a monthly subscription, with total flexibility to rest on shipments or unsubscribe under very innovative usage parameters within the ecommerce concept of the "box"; or as a gift of packs of one, three, six or twelve months.

My Little Book Box was presented this morning at the Fundació Jordi Sierra i Fabra (in the Sants - Montjuïc / Barcelona district), and the event was attended by elementary school students from Lluís Vives. They already have their box, and you can get it for your children, do not miss the information you will find in Boolino and My Little Book Box.

Video: Family in Flames Ep. 15. Fantasy High (June 2024).