International Breeding in Arms Week 2013: Get carried away!

We are in full International Arms Parenting Week, which this year is celebrated from October 7 to 13. A week to remember the importance of carrying the baby and return to the habit of raising in arms

Under the motto Let yourself go! Not only is reference made to the baby being carried away by his parents in backpacks, scarves or any type of baby carrier (that the child will not object, sure), but above all to leave out prejudices and be encouraged to live the experience of "piggyback" your baby.

But Let yourself go! It implies many other things. As Red Kangaroo, a reference association in portage in its photo contest within the activities of the SICB 2013, suggests, it is also to get carried away by instinct, adventure, fun, need, enthusiasm and emotions and friendship .

Porting can cover all those experiences. Those who have tried it are hooked because there is no more pleasant sensation, both for the parents and for the baby that is sticking your body, feeling your voice, your warmth and the beating of your heart ... The closest thing to being inside you.

Since the strollers appeared we have been losing the habit of carrying babies, but it is an opportunity that we should rescue. Fortunately, more and more children are seen carrying arms in the street. When I carried my baby 9 years ago they looked at me like an alien. They even said "Poor girl, how's it going!". "It can't be better"I replied.

Video: Беслан. Помни вДудь (July 2024).