The girl who was born on 11-12-13 at 14:15

It happened on the 12th, when the chance, or perhaps the desire of the professionals who attended the delivery of generating news, caused a girl to be born at 2:15 p.m., causing all the figures of his birth were consecutive: 11-12-13 at 14:15 (11, 12, 13, 14 and 15).

His name is Nicollette Brynn Anders and was born in the Missoula Medical Center. Sua parents, Mark and Amanda, were aware that the day of their daughter's birth would be curious when doctors decided, in the morning, to induce labor.

Ten minutes before it was 2:15 pm they realized that, if born at that minute, the figure would be an incredible coincidence and curious news.

And it happened. Six days before the mother left the account the professionals found it necessary to cause the birth and Nicollette arrived at 14:15. Or so they say, because in the same way that more than two years ago a girl They made her born at 1:11 minutes, so that it was born on 11-1-11 at 1 and 11 minutes, on this occasion it could be that they did their best to be born at 14:15, or that it was born a few minutes before or after and on the record 14:15, which for the case is the same.

By the way, the trick that the figure is consecutive is that in the US the month is said before the day. In Spain we will have to wait for the next month to see if the same news is produced.

Via and Photo | Huffington post Photo | Tina Lawson on Flickr

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