Exclusive Letter to the Magi of Babies and more (Christmas'13)

Yesterday we brought you the possibility to print the letter of Santa Claus, designed exclusively for Babies and more for a server (criticism is accepted) and today we bring you the letter of the best-known and most expected characters of Christmas, those who do reach all the homes of Spanish children (Santa Claus seems to be that it does not reach everywhere): the three wise men.

It takes just over a month for them to arrive, but as it is more than likely that most children already have quite clear what they want to write on it, if you want you can print it now and so they can leave their wishes on paper.

Then I leave you with the Letter to the Magi that we have prepared this year, for you to open or download and then print it, or for you to print it directly (click on the image to enlarge and download or print it):