Two pairs of twins in the same pregnancy: unusual

It is a very rare case, in fact experts say it happens once in 65 million times.

The mother is a 24-year-old Belgian woman from Laarne, near Ghent, who carries a 6-month pregnancy in her womb two pairs of univiteline twins.

It means that each pair of twins has been conceived from the same ovum and sperm, share placenta and will be identical because they have the same genetic load.

It's something like a twins pregnancy that are both twins. That is, two ovules and two sperm have been conceived at the same time, which then became two zygotes, which were divided into two fetuses each.

Each pair of twins will be identical to each other, but the resemblance of one pair with respect to the other will be like that between brothers born in different births.

At the moment the mother is at rest because the probability of premature birth is very high.

We hope that everything goes well and find out within a few months that the quadruple delivery has been satisfactory and that both the babies and the mother are perfectly well. I will be attentive to give you the news.

Surely, the combination of fortuitous events that have occurred for his conception will make the four brothers have a very special connection with each other.

Video: Twin Sisters Each Give Birth to a Set of Twins for The Second Time (July 2024).