Only two out of five parents consider enuresis a problem

According to a survey conducted on the Internet and nationwide by the Core Research Institute to 1,665 parents of children between 5 and 12 years old, only 41% of those whose children suffer from nocturnal enuresis, consider that their children's disease is a problem. Although children refer to it as one of the most traumatic and painful events and can have long-term consequences. And is that between 5 and 6 years of age every child should physiologically control their sphincters and stop wetting the bed at night. From that age it is considered that the child suffers enuresis.

He doctor, pediatrician or urologist, is the only one that can determine the cause of this disorder and rule out other possible more serious associated pathologies such as diabetes, urinary tract infections or malformations, among others. It will also determine the treatment to follow with behavioral measures, pharmacological treatment or others. The delay in the approach and treatment of this disorder causes the severity and frequency of symptoms to increase. It is estimated that 90% of cases are caused by a physiological disorder and of these about 85% are due to hereditary causes.

For the experts the lack of information of the parents and of sensitivity towards the problem reveal the need to raise awareness on the importance and consequences of this disorder because, in many cases, it remains hidden without diagnosing, because parents, the families themselves, consider it a taboo subject, and take away importance when thinking that it will be solved with age, without taking into account It is a health problem with important implications in the child's life.

Between the 5 and 6 years oldevery child should physiologically control your sphincters and stop wetting the bed at night, so it is from that moment, when the child is considered to suffer from bedwetting. Social withdrawal, low self-esteem, shame, poor school performance, nightmares or anxiety, are some of the consequences of this pathology, so specialists insist on the importance of the early approach to bedwetting, in order to prevent subsequent psychological disorders.

It is estimated that 90% of enuresis cases are caused by a physiological disorder which may be delayed maturation of the bladder or nocturnal urine production higher than normal, about 85% of them due to inherited causes: father, mother or first-degree relative have suffered the disorder in their childhood. Only the remaining 10% of cases are attributable to unusual events in the child's life.

The human body produces 70% of the daily urine throughout the day and 30% at night, this production is regulated by the action of the hormone ADH (anti diuretic hormone in its English acronym) that is synthesized by the brain and that gives the order to reduce the production of nocturnal urine. People who suffer from enuresis suffer from a disorder that prevents the greater release of hormone at night, so urine production does not decrease, the bladder fills during sleep and involuntary loss occurs.

It is necessary therefore resort to specialized medical help to solve the problem with an early treatment and appropriate to the profile of each child, in order to avoid long-term consequences.

In Peques and More | Bedwetting Image | Marc oh!

Video: How To Stop Bed Wetting - Nocturnal Enuresis (July 2024).