"Sleep without crying": how to rest at night without letting our baby cry

When in 2006 I entered the world of babies, when the first of my children was born, in the search for information that could help Miriam and me to live fatherhood and motherhood with less anxiety and less external pressures to do things that we They seemed logical, but very criticized, we found a forum called Sleep without crying in which bad nights were a recurring theme and the solutions and empathy of the participants was the general tonic.

After ten years of the aforementioned forum, several of the mothers who participate in it and who have also lived raising their children with the same concern and need for manage to rest at night without having to resort to letting him cry have decided to publish the book "Sleep without crying", which gathers the best of the advice that thousands of parents have received at some time.

The book deals with the theme of the dream, which as we have already commented on several occasions is evolutionary, changing, and he does it in the same way, adapting the advice and treating the subject according to the moment in which we are with our baby. Some of the topics he touches are colecho, sudden infant death syndrome, colic, sleeping pacifier, etc., with tips for each stage. Also, add a guide so that each father and mother elaborate their own dream plan.

It consists of more than 300 pages, Carlos González has written the prologue and seven mothers have participated in its creation: Rafaela López, Roberta Bastiani, Rosalina Márquez, Cristina López, Montserrat Reverte, Mercedes Salas and Begoña Sanz (some of them a regular reader of Babies and more).

If you want more information you can consult it on the same website of Sleep without crying, where you can also buy it at a price of € 21 or you can go to any of the presentations of the book: Friday, May 30 at Casa del Libro, in the Promenade No. 62 of Barcelona or on June 6 in Entre Mamás, on Mantuano Street, 19 in Madrid.