A New York chef makes cheese with his wife's breast milk

A little over a year ago the owner of a restaurant in Switzerland wanted to introduce breast milk among the ingredients of his menus.

Now it is Daniel Angerer, a chef from New York, owner of the Klee Brasserie restaurant in Manhattan, who has again used breast milk as an ingredient in the kitchen: has prepared a recipe for breast milk cheese.

The goal is not to offer it to customers, since as with the owner of the Swiss restaurant, the health authorities have contacted him to ensure that he will not market it to the public.

The idea was simply to try to make cheese with the surplus of breast milk that I had at home. His daughter is four weeks old and in that time, his wife has been accumulating, coincidentally, a surplus of breast milk in the fridge with which they did not know very well what to do.

Faced with this situation, the chef decided, with the approval of his wife, to try to make cheese with breast milk and not only did he get it, but in his blog you can read the recipe with the necessary ingredients and the steps to get it.

If you wonder about the taste, those who have tried it say that it is sweeter and gelatinous than the cheese we are used to.

What is your opinion? Would you make cheese with your breast milk? And what is more important or intriguing, at least, how many people would try it? I wouldn't mind eating it if it was made with my wife's milk, but if it were of another doubt that it did.

Perhaps the best recipients are the siblings of the babies or the babies themselves if they are already of an adequate age to take cow's milk derivatives (since there is milk and yogurt in the ingredients). In my case, for example, I imagine that Jon, who has not had breast milk since he was two and a half years old, would eat with pleasure, since he loves cheese, his mother's breast milk cheese.

I leave a video with statements of the couple (in English):